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July r 1989 <br />Mr. Rick Jopke <br />Planning and Zoning Administrator <br />City of Rosevile <br />Dear Mr. Jop."0: <br />Thia lettor is t,> tnform you that Douglas Taylor has <br />Oxplainad to mar hia voqu@ut for & minor Variance to the <br />City Cod* for his driveway on Irernwood Avenue. <br />mr. Taylor r"q@"t@ that hift drivow#y b# allowed to <br />ro*A.i.n at its curr@"t location* #v#n though It is not <br />five tit (raw hi@ #1OivhbOr*O prc"-fty to th@ fotmh- <br />I approves of tht§ va-T-wot for 4 inor variances <br />Sincorolv* <br />