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Affibttuit of Publication <br />Mate of f[innesnta <br />os. <br />Tountu of Rcroseu <br />Theodore Liliie <br />being duly sworn, on oath says that <br />he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper <br />known as Roseville Review , and has full knowledge of the facts which <br />are stated below: <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as <br />a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331A.02, 331A.07, and other applicable <br />laws, as amended. <br />(t3) The printed <br />Public HearjI Notice <br />-� --- <br />which Is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published <br />once each week, for m_ 1 _ _�..._ successive weeks. it was first published on Tuesday the <br />21st day of «arch, 19 $R _, and was thereafter printed and published on every <br />to and Including _, the ­1__._ .__ day of __ ._ _­___. 19 a and printed <br />below is s copy of the lower case alphab+ot from A to Z, both Inclusive, which is hereby <br />acknowledged tin being the sizes and kind of types used in the composition and publication of they <br />notice: <br />-��I;�1lf#!f+{�'!e8'tt>7VMINiEY�- <br />.E <br />Subscribed and sworn to botoro mo on <br />ahi 2 3 rd ��yy` of <br />r c1h <br />Notary IOU -tic <br />"Alphabet ttllould tea in ttlo €sarno tsizo and kin(I of typo € n tho noticd <br />RATE INf"C RNOIATIt3N <br />(1) L% vot►t clr switiod rato paid by <br />co ornelrci€el userts for corrnp€ rPablo sp€ico <br />(2) MftKirnum rato allawod by law for tho abovo riatttttrr <br />(3) Rate actually chnr()od for tho € l,,:avw :c.:-for <br />1= <br />Ste 31 per Col Inch <br />$7.04 per col. inch <br />$ por col, inch <br />