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City of kiise­46-- <br />PUBLICHEA R I ING N OTICE <br />TOWtOMITMAY ,CONCERN: <br />PUBLICATIONS <br />Notice`POST <br />Is given that the <br />Planni g CoMmIsSlon'of the City of <br />OF PUBLICATION <br />Roseville .wlil ;Meet, at- Roseville City <br />AFFIDAVIT <br />i Half,, 2660:- Civic 'Center Drive, on <br />Wednesday, May 3,,1989 at 7:30 p.m., <br />for the purpose of considering the fol-. <br />owing <br />Gordle Howe request for a rezoning <br />from RISIngle Family Residential to <br />R-2 Two Family Residential, a special <br />STATE OF M INN ESOTA <br />SS. <br />use permit for, a,planned unit devel- <br />COUNTY OF HENNEPIN <br />opment, and preliminary and final <br />plat at 2025 RosilaWn Avenue. Mr. <br />Howe wishes to plat the property and <br />construct 16 new single family dwell. <br />anus on anew cul.db-sac street. <br />The City Council, of the City of <br />Roseville, will meet on Monday, May <br />122,1909 at City "all at 7:30 p.m., to <br />consider this request. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />Except the north 170 feel. the Wdst <br />H <br />Half of the Southeast Quarter of the <br />Walter D. Roach being duty 1w on oath I he 111.110 QUblisher OrglhJ11% <br />I tS <br />lffolseVliye—Palcon - 9 <br />Southwest Quarter, of the Northwest <br />Quarter jubject.10 Avenue in Wilo4l <br />agent and employee of the publI1114(of the newspaper known as Me <br />and has full knowledge Of the facts whlch are slated below: <br />16, Township 29, Range 23, <br />Except the North 170 feet and ex <br />(A) The newspaper ha% Complied with all of the rvquirem#nls constituting qualification as a qualified "Qwspaptir. 614 <br />COPI the 1346190 feet of the South ISO <br />provided by MIMOS0114 SISIve 331A 07. 331A Of. and other appliCable laws. as amended <br />feel, the West Hill 01 the West Three <br />lFlllhi of the East Halt of the <br />IfIftfrWAII QUAVIK Of Ifle Smfh,,,.t <br />Pub. Hear. re: rezoning from R-1 to R-2 at <br />iQWttr 0 IN Nollswnt Quoieir <br />'Mkjecf to Avon" in Section 14, <br />10) Tho pr jnitd <br />"rovinship 31, Ran" 11. Ram"y <br />clowy, mrsn"ats, � <br />2025 Roselawn Ave. <br />TWAIA111 Hillif 44 It* W"t 'fhfc* <br />AM% Of 111110 41AWN811 of the <br />Of ff* S&AW*" <br />QWW 0 <br />�icltOPiIt U*r"o 310 itot" 11, <br />;WN �s '610"hod .0" cut Itom It* CCOVIPWRt q04 "id r4tailoo0ort. Ow was Striated and pwivw &Xf 0 ""1[ 7w- <br />aw" M&WWA, t*CW <br />Wednesday im <br />it* <br />Shiva Nwift <br />....... .. <br />1111101111,11W NowV601t raltoo <br />April 89 04 "4% RP*#*#Aovf Pf6ft4*4 *I" F%oh,144two comf-owl <br />General Mamger <br />20th April .,969 <br />I(_%Tj' 1 .40 <br />t Ste tr'* "o 1, <br />C 'Aw <br />045 <br />1,1,* 6 0 "V -~*0 11'. Oy,l F.f-4 sbw^ M - #".0 <br />ksk. '0­10-00 11kir •t.. -o".4 <br />