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To: Rick Jopke <br />From: Douglas Strong <br />Re: Planning File # 1926 <br />Date: Lpril 25, 1989 <br />This file deals with the request for a preliminary plat and final plat <br />approval for the area known as Hermes Floral. <br />The engineering staff has <br />reviewed the application and has the following recommendations: <br />The plat proposes to dedicate a new street called Autumn Court <br />which will end in a cul-de-sac approximately 450 feet north of <br />Roselawn Avenue. The street would have to <br />e.builttunder <br />a city <br />improvement project or by the contra Pr n roved <br />the appropriate design standards and specifications are by the City of Roseville. If the developer chooses to construct <br />the street and utilities, a bond or shave in thtoeamount d <br />besurrendered to <br />one-half times the estimated cost will <br />the City of Roseville to insure <br />completion <br />donefbyhtherCitytof <br />Inspection of the work would have <br />Roseville engineering staff or approved inspector. <br />A preliminary drawing indicating the proposed locations of the <br />sanitary sewer, watermain, and stormhissewer <br />facilitieson. proposed to of <br />serve this area was submitted with PP <br />concerns have arisen concerning the proposal: <br />1. <br />2. <br />The city has required, whenever tteriWa�ertpressurenandnwater <br />of <br />dead-end watermains to insure be <br />quality. The watermain would have tol e extended to the north <br />t <br />between two houses on Ryan Avenue P <br />The concern regarding the sanitary sewer main is the depth of <br />the main. It should be noted that <br />hal¢the <br />feetdepth <br />in depthe mThisain rcould <br />from nine feet to eight and on <br />pose a problem for any new house desiring a full depth basement. <br />A minimum floor elevation for each of the ermitsites <br />s beingissuedotodinsure <br />established prior be <br />to budding p <br />itary sewer. This information should be <br />gravity flow to the san <br />given to the inspection department to be used when building <br />permits are taken out on the to <br />