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X. ESTIMATED <br />BUD 5: Initial: <br />o <br />#/day <br />Ultimate: 4.&7 #/day <br />Basis for <br />estimate: /0 . <br />K <br />Z, S A l� <br />M. NATURE OF AREA TO BE SERVED BY THE PROPOSED SEWER EXTENSION: <br />(a) <br />Residential: Number of New Homes: <br />Number of Existing Homes: d <br />(b) Commercial/Industrial (Describe): 4'&,,,,,c <br />(c) Other (Describe) _ AAPA.A , <br />�o <br />XII. Will the proposed sewer project be designed and constructed as described in <br />Standard Utilities Specifications prepared by the City Engineers Association of <br />Minnesota? <br />XI:i. DETERMINATION AS TO THE NEED FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET: <br />(Minnesota Environmental Quality Board Regulation) <br />Please check as appropriate: Yes No <br />T.s the ultimate flow increase 500,000 gallons per diy (gpd) or more <br />and is tile: project service area within a city served either by the <br />Metropolitan Waste Control Commission (MWCC) or the Western Lake <br />'Cf <br />Superior Sanitary Sewer District System (WLSSD)? <br />(� <br />.s the ultimate flow increase 500,000 gpd or more and is the project <br />:service area within a city w•Ith a population of 20.000 or more not <br />served by either MWCC or WLSSD? <br />Is the ultimate flow increast, 100,000 gpd or more and is the project <br />service area within a city nt.t served by MWCC or WLSSD with a <br />population less than 20.000 I,ut tit least 10,000? <br />Is the ultimate flow increase 50.000 gpd or more and is the project <br />service area within all incorporated city not served by M14CC or <br />WI.SSD with a population less than 10.000? <br />I;; the ultimate flow increasa 50.000 gpd or more and is the project <br />service area in an unincorporated sewered area? <br />If it yes answer was ,appropriate for any of the above conditions. then <br />the <br />preparation of all EAW is mandatory. Do you anticipate that a draft <br />Environmental Assessment Worksheet (F:AW) will be prepared by the city <br />or A, <br />county? Approximate date of completion of EAW <br />N,A, <br />NO SEWER CONSTRUCTION FOR THE it1:Ff MC:ED EXTENSION MAY BE UNDERTAY.EN UNTIL YOU <br />ARE' 1N RECEIPT OF THF. REQUIRLD PERMIT(S) ISSUED BY THIS AGENCY AND AS DEFINED BY <br />IINDER MI tlN •.SOTA STATE STATUTE 1 1 5.0 7 , SUBDIVISION 3. <br />` W I '—, <br />S i g, n e d :V U <br />(Fng,ineer) <br />(Authorized City Represelttative) <br />,/ r <br />Printed: 1�RL � VC;_I-t—. <br />Reg. No. 74-4Z. <br />Title: .���, �1�:? • ot~ ��% <br />