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C. The vacation of the existing service road right of way <br />be approved by the state and the City of Roseville at <br />approximately 40 feet of width as indicated on the PUC <br />drawings. <br />d. American Street is vacated as a public right of way <br />subject to the appropriate easements and approvals of <br />the effective property owners. <br />e. Approval of a final drainage plan by the City and the <br />Rice Creek Watershed district relating to the diversion <br />of drainage to the City's facilities east of Snelling <br />Avenue. <br />f. Review of grading utilities and streets by the <br />Engineering staff. <br />y. Review of final landscape plans and provisions for <br />screening and in consultation with the effected land <br />owners, that landscaping and a fence not more than 10 <br />feet in height be provided along the north property line <br />contiguous to the residential, properties. <br />h. That an additional 7-1/2 feet of right of way is <br />dedicated for County Road B-2. <br />i. Sidewalks are constructed on County Road B-2 and <br />sidewalks are constructed from American Street to the <br />new access north of County Road B-2. <br />j. That delivery times to the center be limited to between <br />the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. <br />k. Approval of resolution; vacating portion; of Brooks <br />Avenue, Frye Street and Bruce Avenue. <br />1. Approval of preliminary plat subject to Engineering <br />staff approval of all util itio6, installation, and <br />removal and other Engineering details. <br />ra. 'rhat the rnatcri�al of the r,imp be connitstont with the <br />exterior matcrrialr. of the main building. <br />n. That. -.crooning wall n of dunpntorr. and sory ice arces be <br />not le:: than 16; feet high and constructed of material.; <br />nimilar t., the of the buildings. <br />n. That handt(:11) fa e'R`•:: liri l its` improafc•molltft be Mede to <br />provi(te proper NaC'cens to the t1 <br />1). `I"h at the development tie con- tructed in accordance with <br />the p1.lnf; d ateod t --29-88 to the Planning <br />Cor ni€ i'lion. <br />