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RECEIVED ► ;_G ; 0 19€9' <br />Ramsey County <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />3377 North Rice Street <br />Saint Paul, Minnesota 55126 <br />(612) 484-9104 <br />February 8, 1989 <br />Karl P. Keel <br />Assistant Public Works Director <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Traffic Impact Analysis <br />Rosedale/Welsh Subdivision <br />Divisions of: <br />Engineering <br />Maintenance <br />Mobile Equipment <br />Environmental Services <br />The Ramsey County Public Works Department has reviewed the traffic impact analysis <br />prepared by BRW for the expansion of Pavilion Place. The County wishes to offer the <br />following comments relative to the development's impact on Ramsey County roadways: <br />1. We are not in disagreement with the traffic volumes presented in the <br />report. The existing volumes agree with Ramsey County data and the <br />proposed volumes appear consistent with similar developments. <br />2. Ramsey County does not own controlled access along County Road 13-2; <br />therefore, an access to this development could not be denied basest on <br />that reason. <br />3. The County has the following comments in regard to the design of the <br />right in -right c►ut ticcess off County Road B-2. <br />- the proposed design tallowy vehicles to snake a right turn onto the site <br />and then decide whether to go right or left into the parking lot. Also, <br />vehicles turning into tine site must conflict with vehicles left turning out <br />of the site. This access would function more efficiently if vehicles entering <br />the site did not have to make a decision and were forced to continue with <br />a right turn until they were well within the parking area. This would <br />eliminate confusion directly at the access point and reduce the possibility <br />of backup onto County Road B-2. <br />The majority of vehicles entering tilt~ site at the right in -right out access <br />will tilso exit at this point. Many of the vehicles exiting froln this driveway <br />will want to travel eastbound on County Road U-2 or enter the Rosedale <br />Mall; therefore, merging with thru traffic and weaving into the eastbound <br />left turn lane tit American Street. This is anticipated to cause problems <br />because the distance in which vehicles can make this weave is short and <br />all increase in U-turns at tie signal will reduce the capacity of the <br />intersection. <br />