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I `1'zo <br />Affidttuit of publication <br />*tare of Minnesota <br />s3o. <br />(fountU of LRainticU <br />N. Theodore Lillie being duly sworn, on oath says that <br />he/she is the publisher or authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the newspaper <br />known as <br />Roseville ReVie47 and has full knowledge of the facts which <br />arcs stated below: <br />(A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting qualification as <br />a qualified newspaper, as provided by Minnesota Statute 331 A.02. 331 A.07, and other applicable <br />laws, ns amended. <br />(f) The printed <br />iicarin Notice <br />- . �. <br />which is atinchod wais cut from tho columns of said newspaper. and was printed and published <br />once craacah wook, for 1 _ ttuccossTuesd� ., the <br />ive weeks: it was first published on . <br />17 th dity of Jan • tt3 89 .rand was thereafter printed and published on every <br />to and Including trio day of 19 W .._ and printed <br />t)()Iow ill a Copy of the lowor ctatio aalphcibot from A to Z. both inclusive. which is hereby <br />ticknowlodgod nil being tho nizo and kind of typi) tjged in tho composition and publication of the <br />notico, <br />By <br />TI?'iatm <br />;gut.) jicritaoai xind tiw' rn to 0011 ar rrir; can <br />itiSta <br />] r t'11 day ck Jan.. <br />Notary f'iat:i W <br />'lLtphtit3t31 tsliCttfict tat► iti tltts tsrrntrj tiir.ta tatid kilid Of typo titi Ihci nolic€t <br />FIAT- -' INFORMATION <br />(1 Lt worit t,I45011i0d matt$ fi01d tay <br />c("utiiijnrcfal uti[yrti It -if con-iptifnblo 1%paco <br />(2) MaximuiYi rMt3 allowod by Iriw fOr Ilia tat)OVO rliritl[Of <br />(3) 11141to ac"'tu'llly Ghiirgod for trio abovo r?tttttor <br />1188 <br />To wWM <br />rT MAY COICAFA <br />wyb�r, <br />ff i>i ff� Il1tR 1F91A FMAIMIit��1t' <br />m�ca�afirillrwW af+o�rtalai�� <br />4�#a+i Clrtc Cimwr iMMMR, Oo 1KtlOnor�►« 1+' <br />tip At M VAL, IV ow piMpw!! at Carlaids" <br />C1 H#wt lo! # MDt oi►>aA Zlllfl'Wt � <br />0 �ou�Ths'I>DMi: MWt�flfi#i 40 .: <br />oh%%he rAKiloMOW Mo9flow" <br />pwo oot ed donnds .bk*. <br />It* C" COW" of #4 CR# Of 1A <br />pn IMimr�b4, t°oAetilrY t� 1�+M C1�r IdM o17� per, ;� <br />w e�oe+axisil tits I <br />t�f3�AL Qfb1�#YP ' <br />loth i� itdrd ikl, tllotii i M"Moo fie fi#o11at Ctl ruix <br />tar � fVof�e <br />AN" Cad M~, <br />tfAD"'rfi P4VWW: JW 17, ttet) <br />$10,31 per col. Inch <br />$7,04 per col. inch <br />$ per col, inch <br />