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January 23, 1989 <br />Mr. Gary Wood <br />3060 W. Owasso Boulevard <br />Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />Dear Gary: <br />This letter will confirm some of our previous conversations regarding <br />the north side property line of your property at 3060 W. Owasso <br />Blvd. Mrs. Cartwright has indicated her concerns again to the city <br />staff relating to the property line and her home, and she was told <br />again that the city has no control or jurisdiction over this legal <br />survey of several properties in this area. We accepted your legal <br />survey when the building permit was issued and that this is a private <br />matter between two property owners. <br />I have discussed this matter with you and Mrs. Cartwright on several <br />occasions, and you have been informed of all the facts and details. <br />The following city concerns are the only ones that should be <br />addressed to finalize your building project. <br />The incomplete grading and landscaping along the north property <br />line was discussed in some of our earlier job site meetings. It <br />was indicated that this area would be completed in the spring of <br />1989 when the fences and retaining walls would be finished off. I <br />indicated to Mrs. Cartwright that you had the right to install a <br />retaining wall up to your property line, when ste removed the stone <br />wall on your property. Mrs. Cartwright was told again that the <br />private easement agreement was tc.,tally a private matter between Mr. <br />and Mrs. Wood and herself. <br />This side yard area should be finished off now that you indicated <br />that the easement no longer is effective. The final grading should <br />be formed to direct the water run off from your north side area along <br />your side of the property lane by means of a swale. This sw71e <br />should allow this water to drain towards the lake and not toward <br />the Cartwright property. This proper grading is more vital now <br />because of the additional concentrated roof water run off from <br />your home. I don't know what materials you plan to use to <br />control erosion in this area but we need some surface coverings <br />such as grass, rock, etc. <br />2660 k AVIC (3-ATI-A', DRIVI • I:(��I;�'Il,l.l: • \II:�\I:�c YI'.� • ;; I I.l • r�l'- I��u-??tit) <br />