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very have made it v <br />clear that there is no basic right to <br />develop; it is the developer who is seeking to acquire with <br />advantage of development and he.ea the burden the to omply community. <br />reasonable conditions to ease to his <br />The developer is seeking ,the aprivilege offrodeveloping <br />a governmentall <br />land and he is realizing P <br />approval. Associated Home Builders, Inc. v. Walnut Cre k► <br />su ra. <br />Also, the California courts have he sae licable legal <br />t very clear <br />that in reviewing land use eprocedurally lair and <br />test "requires the 9 The wisdom <br />reasonably related to a proper <br />legislative <br />iyenanalyzing its <br />l. of the legislation is n <br />constitutionality. °` 1_ak Cit of Sago 8 ► California <br />OS 1984). As stag- in Remmers s <br />3? a 1 8)► I t <br />Coastal . (",ommission► 163 Cal. App. 3dnd <br />��ell sett a rule that determination of the liceasiw�rais <br />form of regulations e e and not ted $aanudiciaalt to e function, and is <br />primarily a 1091slat the courts nit by what the judges <br />to be tested in of the wisdom or <br />individuaally or collectively may think b the <br />necessity of as particular regulation, but solely Y <br />answer to the questiont is there any reasonable basis in <br />`,act to support the Legislative determination city ct�r�nthe <br />tog ul st ion t s wisdom and necessity? It i s thes send forms of <br />who is the determinaator of the type <br />dedications and toes* not the courts' <br />In gummary# the city* in using its police power <br />especially to implement t in paarticular t the goals and <br />Gies of its general Plan �' in reaacco>a fish fashion <br />thes+a <br />impose dedications and in lieu fe �� �ratect the publi(. <br />goals and po.l ici es as necessary <br />health* safety and general welfare O i rcareecentersnts hor <br />it conditions for providingtr of child dedication day <br />of hand for fire <br />for funding of publ ia� t <br />stations* police stations# libraariest and other similar <br />facilities. <br />c,1 /S/4 <br />CITYI/18 <br />CITY. VT <br />0/20/85 <br />0.6.. <br />