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1 1 - 'J ♦ • 2 1 ..�_ U 1 Y V J V V 1 •J l..� 1 1: L.ij1L i 1 l,LL. .. `fiL `/ v 1 <br />H. 'die City, upon aansid-,- tL on of the particular type of develapmnt, may <br />rF4ja e lamer or lesser parcels of land to be deriicatzed i f the City <br />datexru.nes that prasent or future residents would reouire greater o_. <br />esser larx3 for park arx3 playground. purpcses. 2n addition,, the City <br />Council mav also rsqure lots w:I th i r, the subdivision be held in <br />for futux�e sale or devel.o_tment_ `ihe =rneys dezn_ved f2= the sale of <br />e=roved lots will be used to develop or to p =has2 parr land = the <br />.1- ture, (Ord. 120, sec. 1, 6-19--78) <br />1. In resid,..ntizI plats where a land dedication. is required, the .foli.oty-j= <br />formula w.LU be used to dete--.=e the park lard dedisatican: <br />LlE TS=- : UNIT P R = <br />0 <br />2.5+ <br />- <br />a.- <br />- 6 <br />8 <br />-0 <br />1tYa <br />Ll% <br />13% 0 <br />l5% <br />17-20% <br />in or ir& stzriai plats where a land dedication is reauil'ed, <br />the follcr ing fo=mla will be used to dete= ne the par-k land <br />dedication. <br />10-1 of the gross area of land, ring platted. <br />J. In lieu of a park land donation the City -,air requi.-e the foll.a*-Jng cash, <br />dc3mr-ions: <br />Sing -le faw-ay dwelling units $550..00 per dwell.11M unit <br />AL tifaailydwellixg units $550.00 per &-a- l.ix g unit <br />/ lrxh= , al $2, 500.00 per acxa <br />In Betz of a trcLU l.arx3 donation, the City :may reguixs the tol3cw,3.rq <br />cash donation for the iVe tt 131 i pir x e pedestrian, tr&U <br />system - <br />For each &eIIJxq unit <br />$150.00 <br />Me Ci 4 °,! ray elect to receive ve a c=binaticn of cash, land and develcr- <br />ment of he land for park use. The fair m=ket lydl,us of the 1=4 the <br />CitY Wants a. 4 thevalue ofthe d c=a&, of the landr�uLU be calcu- <br />late • amount shall be subt^ the Cash cm` ti n <br />requIted by suw5e&Zacn 0' al e. Mie remainder sbal? be the cash contri- <br />bu*t*an requixem. <br />L. "fit:: n et value" ShBI 1. be deter--d as of the tire of fjj_jng the <br />pre;L_: M rax_,r plat Jan ao=x>-* •�ri tag. the fcalawing: <br />1. Mie Cit v and t:l,.e devel coer mav agree as to the fair market value, <br />or <br />2. Me fair rtarket value may be based upon a c u=,ent. annra.sal, ,it-� <br />.mod to the Cit-Y by 't:na subdivide-r at he S bd:L�dn . �'_�{l'►'ne_ .,i�'.n <br />appna-1 !* siL1 be made by a;=acti-,ce= Gino are approved '.t�;"t�.,,v- of the <br />S' al <br />or MIT, or equivent real. cs-ate a�l. ].et isai es.. <br />