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PLANNING REPORT <br />DATE: <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: <br />1 February 1989 <br />1912 <br />City of Roseville <br />Amendment to Subdivision <br />Regulations Requiring Park <br />Dedication of Subdivisions <br />over Five Acres <br />1. Each of you will have received a copy of the minutes from the last <br />Planning Commission meeting at which time the issues, options, and <br />needs were discussed. There seems to be general consensus on the <br />following points: <br />a) There is a growing need for additional park land due to the loss <br />of seven schools sites within the community in the last decade. <br />b) There is a growing need for additional space due to the dramatic <br />changes in recreational land use including the impact of slow <br />pitch ball, soccer, etc. <br />c) There is a growing need for recreational league play which has <br />been significant in the Roseville system. <br />d) The purposes of the initial bond issue in 1961, done partly in lieu <br />of a park dedication requirement, lie ► been accomplished and now <br />twenty-eight years lute'r the Mond issue: is paid off and now needs <br />area evident. <br />er) It is reasonable to require: a perk dedication of upproxitnately 10 <br />percent sier61.►r to most of the c011111'unitics ire the Metropolitan <br />Are,. <br />f) Corn eit:rci:al and industrial 1k.1na toi weld also require: dedication, but <br />perhaps at se smaller pe;rcetitag dea(i to its relatively higher value:. <br />,) r,4ultiplc f;anj ly hand should requiro dvdieatieeri of bark land. <br />h) Money should be required in lieu of ltiaeetl where land dedication is <br />inappropriate. <br />2. For your convenience, we <br />have briefly summarized <br />the land <br />use <br />dedication policies established <br />by fifteen collan°iurlities. <br />Mr. Jopkea <br />has <br />receeiveti copies of these communitieesa' ordinances, or <br />he received <br />the <br />information over the phone. <br />Appended to this report <br />(an glue paper) <br />are ten sheets stating this <br />summary. 1 ho ►e communitica (printed <br />in <br />bold type preceded by an <br />asterisk) are: those for <br />which the <br />full <br />ordinance text is on file. <br />