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*Forest Lake <br />Amount of land to be dedicated for public recreational use shall be determined <br />by the planned population of the subdivision using the ratio of one acre of land <br />for each 75 persons. <br />Average subdivision population densities for computing the required land <br />dedication are as follows: <br />Single -Family Detached Dwelling 4.1 persons/unit <br />Double -Family Dwelling 4.1 persons/unit <br />Apartment Units. <br />Efficiency <br />1.1 <br />persons/unit <br />1 bedroom <br />1.4 <br />persons/unit <br />2 bedrooms <br />2.5 <br />persons/unit <br />3+ bed;aornsx <br />4.0 <br />persons/unit <br />Townhouse: <br />2 bodrooms► 3.3 porsons/unit <br />3+ hodroomsr 4.0 persons/unit <br />As o garwral rulo, foaCh Aubdia igion 013011 be required to dedicate lr nd# or pay <br />Into the City (und rr o4M1 l oymont d(juival rnt, for public users. <br />l osadwt l l 10' of ro arou to ba <br />w6divWd <br />ox��rr: it I�ixtr ll.,,.# rlrots Eton to l <br />Atir r f a kloowotio4ii ill O*vo;,t of 010 10%r I f A% %ill tv rogarvatj <br />for o gTetioti of ri rooto 41-o l whiciv mo Otj 61,74 9*046C Wdy n4 y f y <br />�ijce f <br />t e u r a¢ from t1 fx ll r t. <br />for ;sort <br />xll of to*-, fTOM041 <br />ax <br />to h-6 &Jic4tolf 6�v d oil OW, foir to4r e-t <br />�4t4r,t V Awl 0 W0415 f r Iatk! t.QtKlaVi15iW* IOJF <br />OOK1 olool II,50011 t <br />11051dogitiol <br />