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I <br />TAXES; LISTING? ASSESSMENT <br />§ 273.11 of this subdivi- <br />Ceaperative apartments. For the <br />purpose, them. <br />gubd. 8. Limited equity ter 308A, which <br />terms defined in this subdivision have the <br />inn organize der chap embers <br />sion, theoration g <br />A "limited equity cooperative ' is a core and related services to its m <br />primary purpose the provision of housing e ofpercent of area <br />has as its P win criteria with respect to the it comss an 90 members- a a <br />which meets one of the following <br />trinimum of 75 percent of members must have f m.2s r or 0percent of members must <br />' imum of 40 percent of membersmust have incomes at or less <br />median income, (2) a min For purposes of this <br />than 60 percent of area median income, ent of areal median income.bxisting at the time the <br />have in at or less than hall mean the income of a memLil <br />clause, "member income member come <br />and median income shoU tedStateSt. epart- <br />ul <br />cl Depart - <br />cooperative m determined by the <br />member acquires coop requirements* <br />Minneapolis metropolitan area median income as cooperative <br />and Urban Development. It must also moccu ancylent liingq e <br />ment of Housing rovided m th <br />a ,The articles )f incorporation set the sale pace o P <br />() >, cships at no more than a transfer e following* <br />as p <br />shares or mem not exceed the sum the first <br />occupant of the <br />articles. That value mayid for the membership or shares by <br />(1) the consideration p oration; improve - <br />is .r the records of the corporation, of any P <br />unit, as shown in the value, as f the Corp of the member with the <br />(2) the fair market that were installed at the coie expense <br />ments to the real property of a ten <br />prior approval of the board of an inflation <br />not toaid for the membership or <br />ted interest, or an inflation allowance considerationepceed the greater aid on that <br />(3) accumulated ot, increase on th <br />percent annual noncomp a rate of the pereentugp increase in the <br />t occupant a the unit, or the mount that would have been P -S� Paul <br />share by the firs aid on it at <br />consideration if u1terest had been p eat of Labor, provided that the <br />er rice index for all urban consumers for for the or. provided <br />fraction <br />revised consumer price by the United Statesnot exceed $� for each year <br />metropolitan area prepared <br />amount determined pursuant s this clause owned; plus ration to have <br />of a year the membership or share of the corpo or of <br />al Prop capital contnbutions shown in the records a membership, <br />(,1) rep •evious holders of the seta <br />n aid by the transferor member omit ed poccupancy to the unit of t account the a of which <br />bseep�P� memberships that had n rage reserve <br />. nt button nta or acquisitions, con+tribu, and <br />th® amount of <br />These contributions include nrrptbutaons to a eorpo or acquisitions frail <br />is restricted to real property im rovements the financing ° <br />raUon on its >ndeb g o p nCipal paid by the corporation <br />Lion which <br />�� �� the acnrpo � e averagu►g <br />Principal, improvement or th <br />Property acquisition or amp rt related indebtedness. purchase <br />over the term of its real pro require that the board of directors lisid the <br />Iles of incorpomuon ceq , u ants or resident orstock us <br />Ib) The aril inten'sts far new member-oec p <br />price of stock or membership <br />rich dc}rs not exceed the transfer value for the membc r�hip <br />erg to an amount which ital to a <br />defined in clause (a)' inco riruon n�quire that the total dL�tnhuUon out of cup <br />(c) The articles of rP° ration any <br />uin� that upon li uidation of the corpo <br />mcmbur shall not excc�d that t�-:►nsf�'r value. nq distribution to mcml>+an+ will be <br />Ilex of incorporation rezl ci <br />(d) The aril , after re of corporate debts u <br />rnal <br />assets Tenmain►nf� 31 19S6,1 or a public agency, <br />le or uniu►tion desenbe+d in auction ;,01(c?l31 of the me <br />conveyed to a charitab a�itnclyd chruugti D��Cemb`r a limited equity <br />Revenue Ccxle °f 1913G' � " iB a dwelling unit owns by <br />A "limited e(luity cooperative apartment <br />Coopt'rntive• itivi, wham or mvmbeCaliil)" i� ecl% ownerslh` to Occupy rtst in � <br />"Occupanc}' entitling Coops r� <br />which en the holder w an exclusivw ni, <br />Cooperative orgtanintion the eoop�'ratav'' tilt <br />unit owned or leased by a limited eq <br />dwellint, ca iti lixing ti <br />es of taxation. the assessor shall <br />t114'uViiltlt! dewrCni ed by p <br />For uurWk , is market value <br />cooperative t%c ,,, ie:;scr Lf its 46 <br />cooperatives. If <br />clauses (a) to (d), <br />of the.difference ' <br />last ten years tht <br />amount that woti <br />it. The additions <br />extended against <br />nended by La <br />126 U.S.C-4- § <br />1989 Legislation <br />Laws 1989, C. <br />Laws 1998, c. 71 <br />struction, by excl <br />Rate <br />Subd. 3. 198E <br />terms of mills a <br />Minnesota Statul <br />tax cap=ty rats <br />rates for taxes p <br />adjusted assew <br />capacities" by m <br />tax capacity rs' <br />assessors of Min <br />the 1987 marks <br />established in La <br />and estimate VA <br />district under t1 <br />graph (c), and 2 <br />Amended by Law <br />1989 Lcsiria On <br />Laws 1989, C- S <br />c, 3.29. art,. 13, <br />manner. For 91 <br />7 <br />Iron <br />Subd. 2. On <br />person subject <br />notice of the M <br />to adjustment 1 <br />person at the ac <br />the validity of t <br />to mail such I <br />On the first s <br />shall hold a hoc <br />