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ORMATION SERVICE <br />.gue of Mim._,sota Cities <br />Cedar Street <br />Paul: Minnesc. to 55101 <br />Classification No._�� - <br />� it <br />Municipal y <br />Date <br />/02 -1, / - <br />� ne yyd peopoead to be subdivided or <br />adjoins e:f rttag Put 119 Niluoi <br />property sad Me dry <br />>1�;r AGE GROVE finds either c. 4or the safety and oonteaiax,a <br />Cf the pabik using the parks of the oehoal <br />DINANCE NO. 289 C hUdree attending the school. a waltway Or <br />T'r I i— A_-' c«.a.00t a open spswo is a public aeceasky; a <br />►16xAmcx !0R TuE CR•Y Or CMAGE that Partial lot turfwm rwwff from the land to' <br />OVE AMMNDING THE Cr 7f CODE WTrH be subdivided would .treat a add to water', <br />dxatoge cc erosion ' problems 'witbia the <br />a <br />ESTEt'I TO ]PARK DEDICAT10ti FEESad adjoining o spaam"' Jo g Ps°'ce od of the Phopcha6o be <br />e City Coundl of the City of Cottagt Grove, c. All or part P*oP y <br />,to jton Connty. Miasuata, does ordain as edeicjta <br />so A <br />,.11d,,tWly Or <br />elstt is <br />that op"- <br />js: area b or wul be in the sear future <br />.cnON 1. AJvhI"MVIf. 'The Code oftbe repute fea the adjacent residents from <br />of cottage Grove. Minnesota, shall be safety <br />of <br />prvtr health haurds, which are <br />tided by unending •'Chapter 23, Article M. uctoreaawnabb roreseeable, tmm say of the permkted or <br />2-1-12" to read as follows: <br />doned aces which would exist on the laud to <br />c. 23.11. hTwbile Nk" mad "" af�b <br />• jjubdirWed. <br />(a) The subdivider SW with tbe' be aw <br />loan Coa <br />inning emmissloproposed <br />u the dme Isla sketch d. The land propoto be subdhrlded of <br />aoauins at borders apoW exfstmj, <br />.Wn ;Ls ""ales oonel6eratioa, ID secure b beyeloped � tsStures. Wading but <br />rot <br />,commendation as to the 1pw6n of any satquctopojrapb <br />.Opewhich uwuld be dedicated in t3►e Nmked to panda. lakes, $orbKTca. <br />tty wbkh abould <br />.,buca such as parks, Playgrounds a other wstcr•Isaldiaj� d iWot AM the i .chic Is <br />ublk property. The plan shall Show the be pr lomwAbk sakty Isms of bo <br />.caaloes Lad dimensions of aU AM to be Ceder to prim �� sad aenIsttk <br />'.sdkued in this maauer. �w t to the i>�pk a to Maintain the <br />(b) Where a pavpoasd drtiaage anal, park, ssbYs <br />:syjroaad, adwol eke of other public site. u publicassfukacu _•' floe sathtranl nested lsoero oC the eompre4• nslve dcvelopasent plan. irataK•tsoldlaj artaa dMaVc+os w <br />s *mbrwd kn pert , tto whole by the boavdary (2) in asubdivider aIsaUah+U wbdi rcquit�or <br />.f a proposed sue ,,,vision Lad such pabl.. situ dsrelopaheats., the <br />a proj& recreation area and ro thAa <br />-re oat dedicated. such ekes shall be fthtetved taclikics for o0c 64d" <br />.nd ao ankm taken towards approval of a Pita tio�aal sul.&I1ded. 71x <br />r, Plat for S period as to seated sio 7 days• to brought Isrto the area being <br />mental a;csre <br />.slow the propel jovatay dw Moog, of Lard to be dodkwtd lot public %A <br />►pparnvsity to onsider sad take aselloas towards a OWWd� aft t * Ae of <br />.he aaquiskbe of sorb paWk gtoos+d a part by ' lard Pet ahevtoty fM pessoas. <br />sfrr+thase a other usethhods. a A cash Suomi. is MditbC a the aradi , <br />(f) to aA (faro rasldathtw tabdhhlsioas arhted land. ww be 6sdicued for rocrsaikow <br />w•vslopsnfiaas. a Portion of t3se ant so ba <br />sabdtrldW Shall bt de6mlcd fa public tscilhwl, <br />-rcremi e, rpae+s a othet public vat. mcb b. 71st dedlcstsd arts +riU aoasi+t of writable <br />d+sdlcadm beta] in asddtrioa to properrl && I&" tad ell! be loctustt so as to best aem else <br />citsb fw Krum 1. astirys. odwol ekes. "ASOMA& prfseat and f mop, used+ of the ocobotbood <br />or other pobhc ways, 1n to taw+ asaoa-:rcw and Sad castarauahl lot tta"tioo I" PWA W. <br />f cw pw <br />fbdontial S»bdtvtslola as of 6nn�pr+`" tbs airy Pe'fia Furth".. d s. dx dal oPare dtdieagresa <br />oaaoacfl as) re'Rube th•s a poftba OU L%r with tq app+e*ed asrse fi.ri PIS <br />sobdlviskm be ds+dksted foe Public twasrtb ap� �� P�"'�utib° �� lof axao• <br />opm or Ctlhtx public ors, � 6td.iasrba tsriWg ties t!e rw"vid Iwo 60d"ims an ifs <br />ks ""ioa w prvp ty bsdkatvd for Inures. <br />satyr. Ssfsow ttksha. Stets Sr WtJrc+r froblk tdlc"'s' <br />wraps <br />(1) No anu may be bed~d fart PsWi.: am <br />watll they hart ttaa" SPMV14 toy the sky <br />ooasshrrt) Sa bitoj a"Ak aid *sod" lot Isf <br />pwlh u I CAM. &anti. Sus rsrtiiocr as.d gesu tf <br />wSdf n, its those Msta►wt+st Own sloe adq <br />Coonc l 6w as k M tin FOW►r bxoq u w requIft <br />Put 6aP&mlos tram mtnaavrctsl Sr hsalWas W <br />wb,�,iairiss of �• ` t7 t"0 <br />I" Put of *6 06064-0401P"'d <br />tasd Progoa#d to be subilivWhd of dov, <br />Sad► 6sdxsae4 esids " let t,ss+er"4 ic" <br />public ass eta Prria plsyjsvttoa+. f'abk wpm <br />s M Ce any embiaat" tlwrWol. 1k shtwll be <br />6Ktsr4 to by to as POMU low t to srgok v <br />put todkstioe from S P+utl *Au GONOO W or <br />df+sttw sab&Aklos is art ssb'" <br />tM t:lt7 Nowwo. affix "view 014 � <br />antOdow Ivytbt <br />a" of ashstth Of teht , <br />to fart: <br />a. An w pan of fire $"A m tM <br />wbdtvww of 6eval v" bait lea++ !" ' <br />6"tgoued as OM sups vefthmm <br />r ffVcsdf j a&" q¢ <br />San;te lash tlir 6eudetd #"Diu <br />4.1 Persons per self <br />Uootrle-tSir„Ul ai• U"S oah <br />4.1 Pei 6 per fish <br />Aputa+tat Wafts <br />kffk t'wc'7 .............1.1 Pfra,ss per Wax <br />I Wdruaw .. .......... I.4 Isemas Pet Walt <br />2 be4l000s _ ...........2.5 perbom p" Waft <br />S bcdtooms ............ 3.3 Pe:rsoss per ash <br />4 Ardrarrns ............a1.0 petsCos Pan" Oak <br />7c�ahewat 1 tndraov s ............ 3.3 ptt seas Per sk1th <br />i ►eelmheas ............1A peraors Pwf f h . <br />41wdia00s ... ........4.2 pets"s per Ask <br />ore Card oelpat s mom be <br />for sun s <br />As boo" <br />..... . , .2L"m (lb0A0) Per a" <br />'DoCMatshraDl gf)1ld.00 (1•S0•cm Pu aiah <br />Apartssrashts and wwaboo m> , 0.001 rw,#rvu�m <br />AMAO (310.00) Pan 6*4romo <br />J badrams Of wort <br />Subject- <br />(4) At floe option of the pity. the developer or <br />subdivider may be mcluhsd to Contribute an ' <br />equiva)eet tmount m Cash, m iico of, land <br />d,&,,,i s• Kquivaient cash araoaata for sutr <br />divisk+as and de,,81Opsncuts, Wading the <br />sa2iCa&I fatuity crane, sba0 be as follows: <br />sinsk-fasnuy ,gvrsEtinj .00) per ga <br />- <br />027S.00 (SIS0it <br />Doubk-U104.dwcnbsg nail <br />„8175.40 (SIS0.00) per <br />ahoases: brdtuam <br />A 175.06 (W.00) pet <br />2 bedrooms .. . <br />I bodrow tad wvedr� .....1175.00 (S3S.00) per bedroom <br />i <br />2 bedrooms a awes <br />.. ....... g75.00 (7.9S.00) per bedroom <br />(s) Equll l , cash Amoco" for Domahes�ds) . <br />and tadns.rW sabdiYhlocs and 6"ciop ►ex" <br />ahAM be the fair matt" vslee of the land to be <br />drdkaia d. a U seamarkel value 91420 be deemed <br />stm <br />ON w atonald a um of free hasdas co <br />PK tan• shall be refpoedbk foe <br />(nt The asediug and tie grading of the <br />da&�0t'' Council shall <br />dedicated parUand. 21se City <br />rewome d approwd of the She plan. which will <br />Include gradtaj sad Iaadsaptaj. Dcvslopsrhent <br />of the dedicated part)aad shaD pcotress with <br />the devxioptneot of the r Mcwt al <br />area. s2d <br />strait be camptete epee .Comb <br />elloo of 'be <br />sabdivtek..u. s plblic goats- <br />(e) CpaT be Is a special fund by <br />tine► spate ate s!►al1 pi#Wbr the acgoWOM <br />the Cltl teal uSesed eelY <br />and/or devoopmest of wad for Pub and <br />pvyrwmd sk" sad debt WYstaesrt is sot►see' <br />two w b tr d pss+basli swgrdtid fat perky sad <br />rich awwokka such bet Wk*d to <br />Swlmmim pools, arum's Coons. Isstsdball awn*. <br />opsu spats of Ct w recreatica faculties. the c ty <br />sway re4v +s 009 &MOW of lad 0 be 6Wkwed. <br />Ct ash io" in tiro of sock 6edJcatba. <br />as <br />60 <br />to <br />V the s OwsLdAN 6sdicmb� "T"" Ave PC-Oro <br />rYbets S sabd)tidet or 6mlioper pares• <br />pugs V S prWa m of bocce lot low' and <br />SO&-ra s' wooswc taammrs. the City Cosoo wry <br />Macs rise aatsount of 6c4ds <br />cesta{e of sod ►o stall b, the <br />Y gy>Ct1t0ri 1 XyrZC-TM VATL This Ckl& <br />°aasoe ahisail bs M fkU furor sad effed bm acid <br />sitar Its p~ and publicstlow oCootAkM b Man. <br />.` P"o!4 thim 4th dal of 00OW. 1M• t <br />ta/c"i F. malrs a. Clark a <br />TM Wtab y �fslSsf d <br />(Pob� `oa00%w 12. 1971 tbe6efgh ;� <br />' 'iIstaradal, <br />(ir) Of dw swlt a.os+orsa *A%osavd. i woolkh'lo 1 <br />als.A w low by dw Cky ref Awvdapmew Of 60 � <br />o,(j►bwtiA..r P,sr! fstrznss t►+ Wsilravto'.es. t <br />OaS-tlatd art hiss WSt, f ant aw be <br />f ur r » av r"ww POA aaaa<. <br />