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4j4) r/, -�G tjl <br />M E M O R A N D U M <br />DATE: August 16, 1989 <br />TO: Steve Sarkozy n <br />t,{. 11 <br />FROM: Craig A. Waldron �/� ! <br />I <br />SUBJECT. Modified <br />Bradford Proposal <br />July 17th, Bradford <br />At the previous City Council Work Session, <br />wi <br />Schools preth respect to tax <br />sented a request for $330, <br />financing. The staff had determinedtthat ange of ghee g <br />increment were in <br />economic benefits of the project uently the proposal warrantee <br />substantial and that subsequently <br />additional Council analysis (the difficulty with the proposal <br />adds policies are silent orl the <br />related to the fact that the existing P d the p revious memo from <br />I have attache <br />school "development�� ). <br />Work Session that discus <br />the last ses the Bradford <br />Council <br />submittal and the related economic benefits. to <br />directed staff <br />The City Council, at the July meeting, ro osal if <br />negotiate with Bradford and to bring <br />back a modified p P <br />one could indeed be worked out. Based on the Council direction, <br />staff proceeded to complete the following: <br />1, was told that. it would have to accept a lower rate <br />Bradford <br />of return. <br />2. Brad <br />ford was instructed to run a modified proposal at a more <br />realistic interest rate. <br />ro osal which does present a <br />Bradford has submitted a modified proposal <br />addition, the financing <br />lower rate of return 7•47 vs. to 1 This, <br />percentage points from .�2-.� to �,,���.• <br />rate was reduced 2 p uest from 330 0 <br />in effect, modifies oBradforwith $60, 000 in annual increment, the <br />on a pay as y g ears. <br />City's obligations would be completed in 3 y <br />f's opinion that this modified proposal represents <br />It is the stafpro ect and should be considered for <br />a reasonable, worthwhile p <br />the Council should accept this �� °menterti°ntotha <br />staff If requesting authorization <br />staff would be <br />development agreement at the next City Council meeting. <br />