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)�l plc lol��' lt'ol��'cr Wj'l _ skills <br />��'/CZ11 teCl: tl'C1111( ,� <br />IC jle�'Cl� Ot 111(1 eC7.�111 ill' <br />ttf1ZCd t0 tlJe Spy C.l� C1 <br />' • cl �1Cfilll. C1C1`lfl'�j'�. ��C`Il11Cl; , <br />Cf'11lCll'ZC�I11� �� > t �1 01 1(1e s <br />111 t� C1 <br />sl)adolc) eClllcal io 11 __ <br />People 1vIt1_) tbese .�k ll s. <br />' .+d <br />old <br />to A""L <br />T <br />,('er <br />% i t k. <br />_--- <br />By Steve We �• <br />and Charles -5"cr <br />[,EF,Ry CURT., the I Yolk <br />Ci[V•basCd colllplltCr :lnd Clec• <br />tropic, company, needed nearly <br />700 people to build c':)nlputcrs that <br />would be used in the Stealth bomber <br />and other mill[ary 3l[CTafC. hUCl1lU, <br />C010, 1n1111CdlaCC1V offered a wurkl <br />olo.n�, course for 1)ruspective <br />ers that included such ,lres p[nCklllnLav <br />I _ ,.nit Sllllfe[lll �: , -• t t <br />l <br />Cl <br />0 <br />p <br />EicCti(lillll; c1e.1C I}, t�l)\'e i,lx lll- <br />cen[1\C; .11ld t�theC t;li11R1lCk;—good <br />\'ttt_.lilUn,11 [r.11i11i1i pto) VI,lrll; a[ld a <br />�- ; •arc among <br />(lle best <br />v.11lln,; v'�trh t;rc� <br />at[racut�n If nut the bc;t. <br />AcrO'Ss 'nC coulltr}', 1nCTeaslllt;ly, <br />j't have <br />Whell i11;t and`cducatiun [ha(Irclocat <br />the ,� <br />ink Or cxrandin� Illanut.lcturLrs are <br />1UUk1Ilt it C, (11C Staie; are lll[1lplllg In <br />to cure the def:Clt ncy � such in <br />tiUCCh L..1rU11i1.1 plU[leCTe <br />dL1;tn_Speclilc lob tr:lllll[lg lil rlSnl5alTl <br />;putt uE nc\\' prug <br />the has put more thin half the <br />;C.1teS tllt0 the bU;llless Of fIallling <br />tl <br />shad- <br />rllade-[o d r that� cal <br />n spend. <br />Ow school stem ,�* S(Llticnt, fo- <br />thOu;,lnd; of dollars E '• <br />cued Cxclu;i\ C1\' oil mcctuig the pre <br />cise needs of bu;incss. <br />11 t IS a corldenln:l[Ion of the <br />:� \ear IV) �`; hl[c Cons011dJ[Cd tn- <br />du;t: c; needed a hunle f[llnr Ll[h1[ <br />v,ASiler manufacturing p <br />would cmplo\, about S;l). LcnOi <br />COIJInluIll[y COl1CgC in Kill.1 <br />N C. about 75 mile; suuchcas[ of R.1 <br />lcii,,h, helped to lock up the new plan( <br />e Job <br />for 1t; holllcu)\�tl with crca��111Old <br />tr,linlllg. The school has lease <br />dcparttile iIt store turoduc(ll)ny11ne11(u <br />llld 'i Miniature p <br />show C[.11neCs ex:1C[1\ how to .1su111• <br />the <br />\V}•. t• is the best waV for a cUI11i11U <br />E.111.1 y, I educational <br />1111R1CI1sCl�' COstiV U•- <br />s\'s[elll \�'hlcll anI1L1:111\' turns out 2.7 <br />nlilhUll high school gr:[du. and <br />ncally t rllilllorl college graduates <br />with .1 1 Cller.11 Cl1l1C. "oil but does lit' <br />tic to prepare Vuun+; 1 -ople tot lobs in <br />the reaw <br />l orld. Abou( E;0"„ of titichi <br />gap'; }ob ir.11nln�; budget gius u�° de <br />p,lille; (h,1C 1IC (CV1I1L <br />wurkel; 'I 1)ro, wof ti,U�'r lnew <br />thc total is <br />[CC11IlU1Ugy, up <br />ll;Cd In leading <br />,or <br />-''i11Cd1:11 leading <br />and arlthnletic. <br />:alert state Pvc"llllents are rCIi1C- <br />:II i!'t!!it' (t) !llilil.tlll:.>C don't <br />--- — - — --- --- _—_ -- <br />orkcra ddon't have the skills and c uca <br />when local w <br />--- 73 <br />EOFHE IU�;E. 'o �) <br />