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1 <br />C. Waldron 6 9 89 <br />page 2 <br />3. What is the positive result of this d--velOPRent on the <br />City of Roseville in terms of jobs, creation of new <br />jobs, and. general ecaxwdc benefit? <br />Attached to this package as section 5 is a summary of employment <br />data for the Minneapolis Business College. You will notice that this is <br />presented in two sections. The first section addresses the range of full <br />and part time staff positions, faculty etc. and assumes no significant <br />growth in student population. The second section is concerned with the <br />direct impact to Roseville businesses and residents. The interesting <br />factor here is, regardless of whether or not the �,_nneapolis Business <br />College grows any larger than it is today, we continually create an <br />additional 12 to 13 jobs on average yearly. over the prior four years, a <br />total. direct impact to Roseville of 51 jobs. <br />Also attached to this package as section 6 is a , Economic Impact <br />Statement illustrating our effect on the local area ecccrmy. other model <br />studies of economic impacts of post secondary schools or junior colleges <br />on a local economies, supporting data, and background information <br />supporting the statement are also included. I would expect a similar <br />impact on the Roseville area economy from our continued presence. <br />4. Why win this project benefit Roseville when the <br />M xffmI*lis asiness College is already here? <br />The fact is, our current facility with our present housing <br />arrangement is unsatisfactory. Roseville has been our preferred 1'.ication <br />and we have enjoyed success here. However, regardless of the decision by <br />council, we need to change the 1.-7)cation and reconfigure the school and <br />housing to provide better service to our students. With this development <br />all of our requirements are fulfilled and all of the benefits in <br />in <br />sections 5 and 6 of this package will remain Roseville. <br />5. Why has the earthwork already started on the site? <br />Zhe earthwork was begun as required under the terms and conditions <br />of the Purchase Agreement between Bradford and the sellers. As you <br />requested, the specific section of the purchase agreement referring to <br />the schedule for completion is attached as suction 7 along with a letter <br />from Briggs & Morgan certifying it to be a true and correct copy. <br />I trust that this adequately addresses these issues. Call me if you <br />have the need for any additional information. <br />Sincerely t . <br />r <br />A. Christopher Siegle <br />project Manager/Real Estate <br />1.1 <br />