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OFFICE BUILDINGS <br />�'Tttc foidowitu g-truant buildings hair <br />multi <br />,,at bast 10,000 square feet den'otcd to office <br />uses. Listings ate included for ntrtm area <br />buildings currently in Ilse, teen if there is <br />no space mailable at this time, and build- <br />ings that are or Nyill be under construction <br />Ill- 1►11y 1, anthor for vrhicli leases are hying <br />taken. 1'11c buildings are arranged ge- <br />ographically in sty 111.11) arras: Il \litlncapo- <br />lis Central, _) South Suhurh:ut Alinnc•apolis, <br />31 North and \\c st Suburban \tinnc•apolis, <br />26 NOVEMBER 1988 <br />-tl St. Paul I)owntowilu 51 youth Suburban <br />tit. Paul, and of North Suburban and other <br />St. P:1111. Cities included in rich of these <br />categories arc listed in the '1:1ble of Con- <br />tents on page 2. <br />Listings in each section are arranged al- <br />phahetically by city and, within each titV. <br />by building n:utic. <br />MAP NUMBER AND LOCATION: 'I'hc' First column <br />gives the• number of they rtlap at the• hcgin• <br />d;t:► applies ut this number of buildings. <br />which the leasing agent treats as a single <br />unit. <br />SKYWAY ACCESS. SkrN%av access. for those <br />buildings in the nro downtown sections of <br />the Guide• is noted in the first column of <br />the table. <br />CLASS OF SPACE: The designation for class of <br />,pace arm provided to us by Towle Real Es- <br />tate Co. Classes air included for most of the <br />buildings in the downtown areas and for a <br />limited number of buildings in the western <br />half of the metro area. For the suburban <br />buildings, only A designations air listed. <br />The general definition of each class air: <br />A— Ncwcr buildings tgenerall• less than 5 <br />Years old); first class in design. decor, and <br />condition; large and/or tall in size; most <br />We multiple skj-w2y linkages. <br />B -- " Scasoned" buildings (more than S <br />years old); good in design. decor, and con - <br />trim; of each office section. It is 101loNved by <br />a letter anti a number giving the grid dc., <br />nations a the sides of the neap. '1'hc letters <br />OM• followed by E, W, N, or S nlc:ttls that the <br />building site is off the neap toward the Cast, <br />Nyc•st, north, or south. <br />BUILDING NAME: buildings dc•signatc•d b their <br />strrc•t addressrs aw listed first• fullowcd by <br />those �yith proper names. 'I'hc• word Multi, <br />10ll0wc•d by .► nuombc•r indicates that flu• <br />ditiun; mid riae; ntay include skr��:1)' :n'ailablc is largest office block oft one <br />link:tgcs. <br />flour. <br />C — older buildings of am size; average to <br />poor condition; mar or mar not include <br />sk%.wa\• linkages. <br />Rs — Buildings that have had complete <br />renovation. including all mechanical sys- <br />tems and new exterior treatment. Nlanp of <br />these have been adapted for office use from <br />original industrial dea►gns. <br />NUMBER OF FLOORS. Floors listed arc at or <br />above ground level and include floors with <br />non -office uses. <br />TOTAL RENTABLE AREA: Vsuall• measured in <br />rentable square feet. this figure includes <br />communal space such zt hallways. lobbies, <br />and bathrooms. it alto includes non -office <br />uses such as retail space or restaurants. <br />"S0UAREFWAYAILABLi.Office space available <br />as of November 1988. The largest block <br />LEASE RATE: "I1ie least rite is the reported an• <br />nual rental charge per square toot. Ender a <br />gross rental (2), the lease rate includes <br />building operating expensez-, When a figure <br />for operating expenses is shown for a <br />building in this category. it is for informa- <br />tion purposes only. L:nder a net rental (n), <br />the tenant pays for operating expenses in <br />addition to the rental fee. Referring to the <br />amount of space for which a tenant is <br />charged. usable Ill indicates that a tenant <br />pays only for the space occupied. Rentable <br />r) applies when a tenant is aL,,o assessed for <br />a proportionate share of the building's <br />communal bpace, <br />PARKINO: F designates free aad R paid. The <br />leitcr(s) to the left of the r indicates that the <br />parking is owned or mmugal by the build- <br />ing; a letter for letters) to the right of the I <br />indicates parking in the gcwml area. <br />