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area where the disclosure forms can be kept confidential unless <br />released by the city manager on the written request of a <br />legitimate complainant. <br />In the future when people file for election or are a <br />nted <br />to commissions or boards that fall under this ordinance, tl the city <br />manager shall make sure that they are aware of this ordinance and <br />its requirement to file a disclosure statement. <br />Section 8. Employment of a City Manager. <br />The present state law gives the elected council the right to <br />employ or terminate a city manager without <br />giving <br />manager a chance to have an equitable and Fairhearing. It also <br />does not mandate that the city manager be given periodic reviews <br />in writing concerning the quality of his work. This section <br />attempts to set forth appropriate rules that will improve the <br />ethics involved in a city manager's employment. <br />The following shall apply before and during the city <br />manager's employment: <br />I. A four -fifths (4/5) vote shall be required by the <br />elected council to employ or terminate the services of a city <br />manager. <br />2. On the first anniversary date of employment of a city <br />manager, each council person shall evaluate the manager's <br />performance in writing and present the evaulations to him/her at <br />a council meeting when all the council members are present. The <br />collective conclusion of the council along with the manager's <br />comments and replies shall be kept as part of the city manager's <br />personnel file. Comments should be specific rather than general. <br />The city manger will then be allowed to discuss the performance <br />reports and respond to them in writing. The <br />performance <br />and the city manager's comments shall be kept onfile duriaiglthe <br />entire term of the city manager's employment. This performance <br />rating shall be repeated yearly on the anniversary date of the <br />City manager's employment. <br />3. If at some point the council decides that too many <br />negatives have accumulated in the city manager's performance <br />without any improvements, the council members must present their <br />negative opinons in writing to the city manager before any <br />decisions are made on disciplinary action. The city manager can <br />then request either a six (6) months paid leave of absence to <br />pursue another job or he/she may demand a public hearing at which <br />he/she can challenge the council's allegations. The council is <br />forbidden from taking any disciplinary action until after the <br />hearing. Thirty (30) days prior to the hearing, the council <br />shall publish its reasons along with the city manager's <br />challenge. After the hearing the council can then act on the <br />city manager's status at the next regularly scheduled council <br />meeting. <br />-7- <br />