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SECT1_. i. Street Opening. <br />StId. 1. The Coirpany shall not open or disturb any street or <br />public pica-_ for EL-l_J p'_'7_'ose without first having obtain`d peril-ds:� i tO <br />do so Lrcn, the City officials. she 1=nes, services and other <br />property place-d in the streets and public places pursuant to such permis- <br />sion shall bee locate`:, if possible, in the streets or portion of the <br />streets and public places as shall be approved by the City. The Company <br />shall, upon completion of any work requiring the opening of any street or <br />public place, or during construction if ordered by the City, restore the <br />same, including the paving and its foundations, to as good condition as <br />formerly and shall maintain the sarre for two (2) years thereafter in good <br />condition. Said work shall be performed with due diligence and if the <br />Company shall fail promptly to perform and complete the work, to remove <br />all dirt and rubbish and to put the street or public place in good condition, <br />the City shall have the right to put the street or public place in good <br />condition at the expense of the Company- and the Company shall, upon demand, <br />pay to the City the cost of such work done for or performed by the City. <br />Not_ -withstanding --he foregoing provisions of this section, the Comax-m may <br />open and disturb the surface of any street without pe? ;,u.ssion where an <br />emergency exdsts requiring the i m-ediate repair of an electric line or <br />electric service. The Company in such event will report such action not <br />later than the second working day thereafter and in such form as required <br />by the City. <br />Subd. 2. No street opening may be made unless adequate traffic <br />control measures are provided. <br />SECTIG,T 8. Relocating. <br />Subd. 1. Whenever the City shall grade, regrade or change the <br />line of any street or public place or construct or reconstruct any public <br />utility system therein and shall, in the proper exercise of its police <br />paler, and with due regard to seasonable working conditi.ons,,when necessary <br />order the CoiTany to relocate perranently its lines, services and other <br />property located in said street or public place, the Company shall relocate <br />its facilities at its own expense. The City shall give the Ccapany reason- <br />able notice of plans to grade, regrade or change the line of any street or <br />public place or to cons trUct or reconstruct any public utility system therein. <br />Subd. 2. The Company shall be required to relocate its facilities <br />at its am expense where grade changes are made by the City for improved <br />drainage or immroved traffic conditions, provide + , ha ,ever, if a subsequent <br />relocation or relocations shall be because of a grade change within <br />ten (10) years from and after the first relocation, the City shall reimburse <br />the Company for such non-bett-erment relocation expense which the Company may <br />incur on a time and material basis. If subsequent relocations are required <br />because of the extension of public utilities to previously unserved areas, <br />the Company rray be required to relocate at its a�rn ex-panse at any time. <br />Subd. 3. Any relocation, reToval, or arrangerent of any Company <br />facilities nude necessary because of the extension into or through the <br />-3- <br />