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1900 <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />DATE: 10-18-88 <br />ITEM NO.: <br />Department Approval: Manager Reviewed: Agenda Section: <br />Reports and Recommendations <br />Item Descrip ion: Frank Rekuski request for a setback variance <br />and shoreline building permit at 1225 <br />Josephine Road. <br />The Roseville Planning Commission at its October 12, 1988 meeting, <br />on a 6-1 vote recommended denial of the variance have a 3 <br />foot side yard setback instead of the required 5 foot setback. The <br />basis of the denial recommendation is that there was no demonstrated;. <br />hardship, that the house is too close to the lot line and that <br />there are violations present on the site including retaining walls, <br />improper location of the dwelling, and construction without proper <br />permits. The Planning Commission also stated that the dwelling <br />should be returned to the size permitted by the previously granted <br />variances and building permits issued. The Commission further <br />suggested that the Council seek the advice of the City Attorney <br />concerning the legal options and liabilities that the City may have <br />in this matter. <br />COUNCIL ACTION REQUESTED: Motion to approve/deny a variance for a 3. <br />foot side yard setback at 1225 Josephine <br />Road. If the Council wishes to deny this <br />variance request, a motion to direct the <br />City Attorney to draft the proper <br />findings of fact to support the denial, <br />would be in order. <br />