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,z: ;.�: ...: _ ,_• �_ •,..,,.... _...... '' ... •R1�S�'I.iY •Co��P11ITY <br />•••:�;�:Y; �� +TI•� M1Ni��SOTA 'i�tAN�� . <br />: Rote No 2 induut: _a1 <br />y roperty to be <br />sold �o "utl.ex Paper CompaT�Y in <br />The P ibed as follows: <br />deMar t ues'tar (r1��} of 5action Five (5) <br />t of the Northeast Q �`Phree(23) hest, Ra=eY <br />That Paz' -T�rienty <br />y�Nine (29) Ido�cth, g;;nee <br />Totrnship T�rent <br />County 11innesota, described as follolls= <br />the oint of intersection of the sOerhleedetrack <br />Ca,unenc ing at P <br />8 of Lon Lake Road and the 'centerline of KinretheaQouth©astcr3y I.S;ne of <br />tin than,a south:4o>✓iorly along 22 feet to <br />haroinaftor dc3c& ibcd, -• t::o hur,dredths (9.22) <br />1Qng Utka Road a distance of nine and twenty thence continue southwesterly <br />place of beginning of land to ;`� described; hundred• <br />along the so <br />uthewsterly line of Long Lake Road a distance degrees a distance <br />-thirty (43d) feat; thence deflect to the <br />moreleftorll.ess tonety Cintersection with <br />of four htiutdred :.eventy—five (475) feet <br />d-y 1 line of Roseville Ponding Basement as descrilte18 in said ens <br />the Northeles rer Y T the northwesterly l <br />Number 1740057, thence northeasterly e•los1�, <br />to intersection with the north:•resterly line of The Minnesota <br />ponding casementr <br />�TansfEr RailrraaJ Companyr main line right —of Si�,Y <br />_ ,mid r.�r �i::: ste:,� 1` J. P p� yi line to interseo�ed at on with <br />right ��Qle�all4al. <br />aloe, aas <br />with and. nine feet southerly and southeaster y lead track as hereinafter <br />with the centerline of said "iz�nesota '�'ansfeon p=aallal line to place <br />described; thence souI.hj-Pesterly tend westerly o teFminwting. <br />of beginning of land to be described <br />and scri ti0n'of Cez�terlino of Minnesota ` ransfer Yea& track — <br />Ve p <br />Commancirg at thY point 4i in <br />to; section of the iior th line of <br />ih Range `y.rThrae (23 <br />To=shiP Twenty --Nina (29) ::ors , ra:�w <br />Section five (5} ..wr y Co.�pactiy main line <br />West and the centerline 0. The Kinriesot� ' •a+er RailSsa <br />track; w-herce s <br />outhwe�terly on said centerline of Hinresota Tr <br />ar►sfer vain <br />line track a d�stan <br />oe of one hundred one &nd fifty— seven hundredths�7 ,i <br />feet'to place of beginning of centerliri4 Of main lead track to bedescribed; <br />' t with a radius of seven h-.m— <br />Thence southwesterly along a curve to the -70 feet "d a delta of six (6) <br />dz•ed sixty_t. o and seventy bundredt ho(�Sdistance of eighty�fcur and seventy <br />degrees, twenty --two (22) minutes a <br />uncircdths (84.74) ����� thence continLir►g southwesterly a�.xty.--acne a.�d <br />four h <br />erlY <br />si%ty—two hundr edti� 61.62) feet to a point of our <br />thencee�hun�edtthirty*- <br />h. <br />and westerly along a eurva to the ri 8.27) =a nada3.ta adius of fteighty-seven (87 ) <br />• eight and t.te-nty�-seven honer edths (33 seconds a eListaaoe of five <br />L { milmt es cad f i•i'ty (50 ) <br />degrees, fo1,Y—Devon �7)w+ivc'{51b.45} jest (chord measurement); thence <br />huncrecl sin:`ween end fd c _ Aine N+ .f -� hundredths (].59.34) <br />northwesterly one hundred fiftYcutheasterly Long Lak.a Road and there <br />feat to intersection with the a <br />terminating- <br />