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t 1988 <br />D AT E A u iis, <br />TO Posev 1,11 e C' Lv P ; rig 1-ornmi s s ion <br />Roseville C J_ L. v C 11 r) s e <br />r R 0 ',,1 Marion C. Haris(:m <br />S C x o n I n %,j <br />1 Z B, Mar 6--m C. Hansen Lot SpIlt <br />2808 Lakeview <br />I :MN 5511 <br />osevi. <br />A ttact-ie_d. is the proposed plans to -qpl it ot-Ir present 1 .58. acres site <br />into two separate lots. Recerit.1y it was determined that ovir L_-).voperty <br />on lake Owasso was not buildable due to the lake and Victoria Street <br />set backs. Therefore, in order for us to sell. this land. for any <br />appreciable value we decided. to split part. of our lal-ceview (west of <br />Victoria) property and offer one lot divided by Vic )ria Str(:.:.I, with <br />lake access and retain the homestead lot. <br />F3v completing this recpic-3t, wc::.- are able to sell the easterly sec_-tion <br />of otir land for a rt-sidenLia.i linme site lake -tc T n <br />w,- able t(.-) reciuce our V*.(-,,tcDi,`a Str(�e-L. <br />,:,,smpnt-,, I)v a is il"'tLed due <br />L'hat: otir lal-ce land a.s not ac0eLDtZd:)JC-� f0C dC_WeJ0L_)1[le1_1I._. C U17 r E! 1-1 V - <br />Lail 1 be appr-��Jl-_Lrly jl!- tht ;lUt"'ast 1.01 Assesrzi(.�ri, T,,i a .,i. n j <br />1- e n c C., S ed C <br />r0kJU(-1"k7.J.01', Of (,Ut' 4-_t.Ls,_ <br />n C ,-:i r i s f.-" n <br />