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part-i-1 f the first part, anr�amfi� �.�r•a1 � !` <br />- - a —r <br />— — ., parties of the second part; <br />Witne5OCO, That the said partitaof the first part, in consideration of the covenants and <br />agreements of said parties of the second part, hereinafter contained, hereby sell_- nd agree ---to <br />convey unto said parties of the second part, as joint tenants and not as tenants in common, their assigns, <br />the survivor of said parties, and the heirs and assigns of the survivor, by a�f� �t�_ —_Deed, <br />accompanied by an abstract evidencing good title in parts e f the first part at the date hereof, or by <br />'! an owner's duplicate certificate of title, upon the prompt and full performance by said parties of the <br />second part, of their part of this agreement, the tract ---of land, lying and being in the County of <br />` .RAat:;::+ — - — w.�„ — and State of Minnesota, described as follows, to -wit: <br />{Lot sn Oren ? } Hlo -looW t l) of Hof fmann 19 Ga.rdon Tracts �- -- - :- - - <br />Th'ie­:1�:�. ds 1vonveyed 3ubJ12Ot>AO the fol:Iftfnig restrietinano-,and_-resaa;ZoCign� <br />whirtia- are hereby made covenant running with the land and ahall be binding <br />upon..tbe grantaes, their heirs and -assigns and all subsequent transfers--shal <br />be -made - aubi4 ct to such restrictions & reaexva,tions. A peatetual easamer�t ... <br />I <br />is -reserved over. a 5 ft. strip of ground through each lot the cent er.,llne>.00 <br />1, v'rhioh is 180 ft. north of & para.11al to the canter line of Wh;yer Ave, for <br />� service to Lots 1 to 13 Incl usive ixa Blk. 1 in Hoffnann; s Garden Traote, fo <br />the construction and maintinanoe of oonduits, polea, anobors, ctaril-a and wi <br />! and appurten-anaes regl.ired by the various utilities for the furnishing of + <br />eleatric light, power and oelsphons service to the foresaid property owner <br />! and other users of these servloes in the vicinity. Also the r1ght to enter <br />!' Won said premises for ph pur�o�e of repa�,rir� r l-ao said plant�,j <br />d said parties -of the second part in consideration of a premises, hereby agree to pay said <br />part., the first part, att!�Q?x re is .. <br />as and for the purchase price of said premises, the sum of SIX Hundred}an no <br />Dollars, <br />in manner and at times following, to -wit: _ Tens Dal lar a cash . wti 3 ch is hereby aoknow— <br />;.adgtid grad ten do:ll4re or mor.s on -the eighth day oP ea0h month beginning-- <br />; 1 ust 8; .1951 until ful?y• pnld.. Payzante ' to -include interest at 5%0 <br />e paxti,40. o the first part hereby furtiiar impose upon the property <br />bereinbefors desoribed the following restriciions'and'proteotive eovenaats <br />which are to $ruin with the land within the limits of Hoffwmnle Garden Tray <br />Ramsey. County: ",Minnasota and - shall be binding. on all parties and all.: pArso <br />claiming wader them until Januar7 1, 1955 at which. time said Restrictions <br />and Protective Covenants shall,' automati'aally--be extonded- for.-auocessive. per, <br />coda of 5-years unless by vote,of a majority of the then owners o-f the ' iote <br />or parcels, it is agroed to change said -Restrictions-& Protective Covenants. <br />'An whole or i n part; <br />Restrictions and -Protective Cove nanta-Attached. <br />:Restrictions •& Protective -Covenants <br />which'.r°un with Lot 7 ,Blook 1 Hoffmann's Garden Tracts. <br />1 <br />0 <br />as .. <br />1. The use of the property hereinbefore de8oribed is restricted to one _ <br />detached single family dwelling not to exceed 8f stories. in height, s <br />private garage , for not more ' than 2 care d whatever other bldg,. as Ye 414 <br />needed for any -`,live! stook for tha peraohal use of the -family 000upyingi ,J)IU , <br />4 8,�;�The-dwarlli►,-ehsiltrbe �s7�eotod on "a; per>xianan founda►�,o �and:�tha,-',;ote`h�_ _... <br />fYoor tie.Yeaofl+hlmeri�ndileiling-tTuoture;-�sxcluaiive of onetos� ��pa►n. <br />porohes-and• gay. rAgeo,_.sha11--'be-noC leife' thi -800- aq, fte • ina�►�: , <br />stogy' etriiotur,r/, -nor less -than---1100-- eq.: f ft-,1n ; case, o f a ;1*. ' a ' or'*, . story <br />Otruoture;' . . . P . , r .. , " . r..r . 4 <br />3. No. re`sidenue bldg.,shall' be located nearer to the front lot' line`�,than- <br />50 ft. and no residenoe bldg.- shall be located nearer than 5 ft. to any <br />plot side lines pN .�'.r s • e , " e <br />`r <br />4. No noxious or offensive,trade or activity shall be oarried on upon any <br />lot nor shall anything"be, done thereon which may be or become an annoyance <br />or nuisance to the.,nl�ght orhood. <br />5. None other than `th*o,-,y4;fit&nant dwelling shall at anytime be used as a ' <br />residenoe' unless by"oonjen'�-_of the parties of the first part. <br />6. No person or pexeoni'I �; nY raoe other'than the Caucaei�n raoe shall <br />use or ooaupy 'anv"ui1d on any of the hereinbefore desoribed.'property, <br />exoept.- that thi0021 <br />llenan shall not prevent occupancy by domestic . servants <br />of a dltferent - domiAled with the owner or tenant. <br />7. Semaeg ej d�sP,roT `. faollltiea, in all events to be approved by proper <br />Health'.htih'' shall be limited to a minimum of a private eye <br />g ptiC tank <br />and oesepooli; ,�, ,., <br />.These Restriotl' and Proteotive Covenants may be amended or ohanged at <br />any time by'a, m- sty vote of the property owners in Hoffmann's Garden Traots, <br />Voting for: thia� ose shall be by lots i.e. any owner is entitled to one <br />vote -for --each lot �.i1 d owner poseesses. Said amendments or changes are to <br />be 1plaoed. of record' y proper instrument, signed byt the owner or owners <br />of a majority of the ots in said Hoffmann's Garden Traots. <br />The invalidity-of''anY provision hereof shall, in no wise affect the validity <br />,of the ;other �prct�ieio hereof,';all of which whall remain. infull force axyd;: <br />A, � .. � »� .� .� .� .. .. -. ..� .� ...r r+ � �, i� - ~ ± 4. » 1 .. ri _ h�a✓.. <br />,t ,. �,u. - kty . ... ..•. +, R .w M► . <br />••.•+'a. a:;iyf. .. 1Y: .si.�... -. °.ri. �.`d:..rt .hw.�:r'�i�'NJSL►.t�.a n.,..'.: i..M. � ,r. <br />