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a IL <br />B & J AIR HANDLING SYSTEM <br />GENERAL INFORMATION <br />Through the development of the B & J Pollution Control System, it was necessary to <br />determine the present-day adequacy of air handling systems used in the retreading <br />industry. For many years, this equipment has not been properly sized to sufficiently <br />handle the material being removed by existing buffing equipment. <br />As a result of .B & J research, it was determined that an absolute, minimum air <br />movement of 2000 CFM in volume and 6000 FPM in line velocity would be required. <br />These minimum requirements not only improve the efficiency in the handling of the <br />material during the buffing process, but also assure a greater degree of efficiency from <br />the B & J Pollution Control System. <br />Proper air movement provides for more efficient dust pick-up while at the same time <br />insuring that any excess water is dried or evaporated. Thus, when the rubber particals <br />are deposited from the cyclone into the hopper, they are in a cool and safe condition. <br />This also allows for the pollution control system to be set at optimum operating <br />efficiency, whereby the proper amount of water can be applied to the rasp to more <br />adequately neutralize the friction factor which previously created smoke. <br />Without proper air movement, it is necessary to limit the amount of water applied to <br />the rasp, not allowing neutralization of the friction factor to the fullest extent, thus <br />eliminating only 50�o to 7550 of the smoke. It is necessary to do this as, without proper <br />air movement, there would be excess water within the rasp hood, duct system, and <br />around the buffer. <br />The blowers on the buffers are more of a hindrance than a help as they prevent <br />continuous flow of material from the rasp hood to the dust collector. Greater efficiency <br />is obtained by having adequate blower capacity at the cyclone, allowing material to <br />pass through the duct system freely without going through any obstructions such as in - <br />line blowers, etc. For this reason, B & J recommends the removal of these blowers from <br />the rear of the hoods and the use of a B & J Air Handling System. <br />Proper air handling specifications for 1., 2-, and 3-buffer installations are supplied in <br />the following pages. <br />I <br />#HO/014-82 <br />