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• <br />• <br />paid hereunder by Buyer to Seller shall be refunded and thereafter <br />neither party shall have any liability to the other hereunder, <br />except for the Indemnifications. All of said contingencies shall <br />be deemed to have been satisfied or waived by Buyer unless Seller <br />shall have received from Buffer on or before said date a written <br />notification stating that all of said contingencies have not been <br />satisfied or waived and requesting a return of the earnest money <br />paid hereunder. <br />8. Notwithstanding any provision herein to the contrary, <br />Buyer's obligation to perform the terms of this Purchase Agreement <br />is further contingent upon Buyer obtaining, at its sole cost and <br />expense, on or before the Date of Closing, <br />a. Reaching an agreement, the terms of which <br />being in the sole discretion of Buyer, with the City <br />and other affected parties regarding the location, <br />size, financing of construction costs, and other <br />matters regarding a roadway along either the North or <br />South border of the Property. This is to include the <br />creation of appropriate easements relative thereto and <br />all matters related to the establishment and construc- <br />tion of said roadway. Seller shall be under no obliga- <br />tion to execute any documents or instruments regarding <br />easements or agreements relative thereto affecting the <br />Property or other adjacent property of Seller. By the <br />execution hereof, Seller has not agreed to create any <br />rights in favor of Buyer or any other party or entity <br />in any other property, whether owned by Seller or <br />others; <br />b. The obtaining by Buyer of financing acceptable <br />to Buyer in its sole discretion to allow the acquisi- <br />tion of the Property and the construction of the <br />restaurant facility contemplated by Buyer; <br />c. Buyer entering into a contract with a con- <br />tractor of its choice calling for the construction of a <br />restaurant facility on such terms and conditions as are <br />in the sole discretion of Buyer, <br />d. The obtaining of a full liquor license from <br />the City, and all other licenses and permits necessary <br />to the operation of Buyer's proposed restuarant and <br />deli businesses on the Property; <br />e. The formation of a limited partnership which <br />will own the Property and the buildings and the obtain- <br />ing of executed subscription agreements from investors <br />in a total amount acceptable to Buyer; <br />3 <br />