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FRANKE,,/ RIACH AND FRANKE <br />ATTORNEYS AT LAW <br />ONOW 1 11. N'Ll <br />NONALD J 9IAC11 <br />C Wilt-1A%i INA.%kt <br />ft 10111Y J IIA.Wit <br />M101A11 1 VNII-t l <br />ut wY "-Alt <br />Mt. Craig Waldron <br />City of Roseville <br />2660 Civic Conger Drive <br />Roseville, Minnesota 55113 <br />100 NOSI )ALI foW1.NS <br />1700 WM 111011WAY Ab <br />MINT PAVI.. 1.10410AWA V-11.144®I <br />November 22, 1985 1.111 `6"V <br />Mr, W. Gordon Glendenning <br />Attorney at Law <br />550 Snelling Avenue South <br />Suite 103 <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 <br />Mr. Lawrence M. Barrett Mr. John Labalestra <br />Space Contact Inc. 1712 Tatum Street <br />444 Lafayette Road Falcon Heights, MN 55113 <br />St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 <br />Rat Lido Cafe, Inca Dovelipwont of: <br />Lot 2. Block It S l aw i k Park ;second Addition <br />Can t lemon I <br />Pursuant to our sooting on Priday, November 22, 198!, 1 <br />enclose for review by each of you a proposed AgCooment whicli <br />I believe reflects the dosicas of each party and astablishas <br />the basis for the construction of the proposed roadway along <br />that Southerly portion of the Lido property. As you all know# <br />it is important that this docuotnt be executed in multiple <br />capiaa imwdiatoly, assuming that there are no significant <br />changes to It. I would ask that each of you contact so upon <br />Your receipt and review of the document to discuss any <br />changes anal/or to give youti final approval of the form. I <br />will then have my clock personally deliver multiple copies <br />for signatures by each of you, all to hopefully be accomw <br />pliehed not later than the close of business on Monday, <br />November 2%, 1985. <br />I also enclose for Your information a copy of they site <br />plan regarding they Ludo tvolopmant, a copy of the thirty <br />(30) foot oasesont created by the transfers by fiat Mar, Inc., <br />to Interstate Propectieat Inc., and a co?y of the plot. <br />I want to thank all of you fo& your cooperation and am <br />confidant that this portion of the Lido Development will <br />certahnly result In a benefit to all involved parties, <br />Very truly youra, <br />FRANKER ACH N? FRANKE <br />NMI& Ronald -J. Mach <br />