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r`-T " 'iv illro -office Copy <br />OJRCHASE A(-3REEMEN -INTO—B—Buyer's Copy <br />,Nn. I517� (.;1tEEX—Seller's COPY <br />A( —Buyer's Iteceipt <br />MILLCIt•D.-MS Co. <br />Mlnneupolla <br />Saint Paul 19 84 <br />........................................Minn., ............ r�.'......................... , <br />RECEIVED OF .. Commers-Klodt, a partnership, or its assigns <br />...........................I.... <br />the stem of._.Five Thousand -----------------------------.--------. , DOLLARS <br />..................................................... (S ) RS <br />Chaek earnest money and in part payment for the purchase c' -property Yi: <br />(Check. Cash. to be deposited upon acceptance, or Note — State which) <br />located north of County Road C near the Ramsey - Hennepin County Line situated in the <br />County of Ramsey ....... State of Minnesota and le ally described as follows to -wit: <br />That part of the South 70�.48 feet- of the I9est 9 acres of he Sout1mvest quarter of <br />the Southwest quarter of Section 5, 'Township 29, Range 23, Ramsey County, Minnesota <br />lying F1est of the East 167.71 feet thereof_. <br />including all garden buibs, plants, shrubs and trees, " <br />shades, blinds (including venetian blinds), curtain rods, traverse rods, drapery rods, li ht' )s, p umbing <br />fixtures, hot water tanks and heating plant (with any burners, ran er equipment used in connection there <br />with), Water softener and lj`�uid gas tan, ci..�%Mc� ie property of seller), sump pump, television antenna, inciner. <br />ator, built-in .�ast1�►a+"!;"~ lspT oral, ovens, cook top stoves and central air conditioning equipment, if any, used and <br />_ M _ _ _ _ __ I ._ _I__.1'_ �. _1___.�L-_L�tl_�.:�.. .:ter• <br />all of which property the undersigned has this day snld in the htiurr fnr ►t,o, ea,ev, ..t• <br />See attached %pplawnt for additional terms made a part hereof by reference. <br />(d) As set for4ll in paragraph 6 of the attached Supplement. <br />Sublect to prrfotmance by the buyer Cite seller agices to cxccute and deliver a Quitclaim =XMIC Deed <br />(to be joined in by spouse, if ac,yy (9!+t41nr matitetaltle title to said premises surtsicct only to live following cxccpti.,ns: <br />(a ) Ouilding and ioniniti laws, oftlinances. Stare and f cdrral rel:ulariuns. <br />(b) Restrictions relating to use• of impiovemcnt of picniks without coettive fntfeitute 1+revisi"In. <br />(e) Resert:stion of any minerals or mineral tights its lite State of N61111 totA.----_-- . <br />rsc*i e�rs7Y�a.usuvrrwaa/M�avHvs..w.yw��.a.r--•-- � <br />nc� k*u�ct !half PAY the rest estate lAXcs due its the )e4f It , rsJ any unpaid inuillments of spcciAl assessments payable therewith <br />and d•steahcr, Scli'tg Warrants that teal CIIAtr taut due in the ycar 19 S5 will be non— homestead flassitication <br />(full. partial at non•hmncticad —state which) <br />Netthrf the wife( nrrr fire lellet's ar:rnt rnaLe an' rc{+irscntatitrn or %%mrawy vthatctscvcr concerning the amount of real estate taxes <br />,Ahith shill be asses" against the prol+ersy subscqucnt t , tits date of rurchase. <br />ow included herein and all .!chill <br />C(pNDI'll10 ' <br />RKING ORDER <br />The seller fufthrr A�-•rrrs to delotl lxmcisiun uric later than 1ti! of Closing provided that all conditions of this <br />a;;tcnlcnt have l+tcr; compl'rd mill, Unless othelivisr specified ch4 sale ti+all be closrd on or before 60 days tram the elate hereof. <br />�- _T-fit buy'et and seller Au mutually "Use t1131 pro /.ira adjusitr`c n14 of IC is .ysterep. insuciti a gild city water, anrl, in tilt: case of <br />incoine prol+erty, (srrrcot oprratinp; oR{*tnses, shall be made As of i% T dlosing <br />The seller shall, within a rrawn ti!v tithe alirr nl this aarccnient, lu;nish an abitr.,t• of title, or a RogistereJ pto{scfly <br />Abiiwti ctitifird to date Its include protect +rarrhrs crsvtrit.}.bankruptcies, And State and I'tticial jo,it:ntents and liens. The buyer shall be <br />aflOwcd I() ±lays after tcccipt thrtcof for examination of sail title And the making of any ubieetiuns therrtu, sai:i abitctions to b•. made in <br />writing or drenred to be caked. It any obicttions are so nradc the seller thall be alluucd 120 days to niAv such title markctable. fending <br />cutirctiun set title the payineritt hetcunder ret{uircil $11.111 be I"±st{tt+aril, bill upon currcctinn of title and +sithin 111 days after widen notice <br />to. the busy, the patties shall I±rrlrsnn this Agtcrmrnt acturdin}; its us trrnm <br />If said .lilt is not markrrabic and i� n„i made sts tv ►�1n 'jj�{ aj• tram the if to of st•riticn obicctiuns thereto as set±uve provided, this <br />a rtrment Shall br null and void, at option of the buyer t,i n i tt�t ncipal shall be liable for da,naees hereunder to the other principal. <br />A:l ntsancs' thrtctuhtre paid bs the buyer shall he rrlundrd. It the title to sattl property be found plat'"etable or be sn made within said tune, <br />anti said t,ttsrr shall delAult in any of the ay rrenirnts and toutinue in dr(ault fat a perial set lU dal t. then and in that case the seller may <br />te:minale this contract and r-n stub terminatinn all the payrisents rlmdr upt�n this c+tntract shali be itt.ttneJ by said stilts and said al;ent, .0 <br />rtrcir fc•lwtiitc iiltt•UM may apiaa;at, as licJui:latcd dainai:ri, tittle L•eint the etsencr hereof. This pro! isiun t suit not deprive either patio of <br />the ri,glit stl elifurcinrz the st'rc,tir perfornlarut of this contract peovided such contract shall not b: terminated as aforesaid. and pnwided action <br />to enfnrte such spccitie priftitmaner $hall be conutiented within sir nnsnths after such riLht of action shall utise. <br />sicnc<I Arent is in no niann r T� R � - -- otiose! Est ti7ice,iinest money paid under <br />'rhe delivery of all papers anti monies shall be made at the office of: <br />BRIGGS AND MORGAN , P.A. <br />t's'..a.>r'a60 'I nk' Bldg. <br />Sa uit Paul, Mel aa.0 <br />1, the undersigned, owner of the above land, do hereby approve <br />the above acretnient and the sale thereb ME F -kO, N11TIONAL, Q�NK 6F at �XM71` PrUL <br />1-2 <br />BY i l.�'7..�!.. ..................... I (SEAL) <br />Its �%•L%C<'it:!( 7`/�c���Scllc�''�-%�.'•/C_,�`.L._ <br />Musks Comrk-inX( Inc <br />�y ....�/-�-- /.......... <br />I hereby agree to purchase the said property for the price and <br />upon the t-PM bove me tioned, and subject to all conditium <br />ur <br />... ..................... (SEAL <br />T. s genera tiNrt <br />(SEAL) <br />Seller <br />.................. I ........... . 1. ............,................. (SEAL) <br />Buyer <br />