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PLANNING REPORT <br />DATE: <br />CASE NUMBER: <br />APPLICANT: <br />LOCATION. <br />ACTION REQUESTED: <br />PEA INING COIISIDERATIONS: <br />7 December 1983 <br />1477-83 <br />Chris A. Carlsen <br />North of County Road C-21 Westerly of <br />Cleveland Avenue <br />Approval of Relocate Single Family <br />Residonco <br />1. Mr. Carinan proposes to mover a singly family residence from a location in <br />New Brighton to 2975 Cleveland Avenue. R090vi llo. Thies property it, a 60 foot <br />lot with a depth of 330 feat. They prolvrty in question in toned Single <br />family Residential. The Compr0iongiva Plan racomands this area for ultimate <br />dov@lopr,vnt to medium danaity raoiderntidl which could include swo form of <br />townhouning. The Rogavi lla Zoning Ordinance requiro# a review process <br />involving they Planning Co=iae ion and Council for the movezent of single <br />f.aaily re#id€nc#, into the City to a partieul,4r location. This ordinance was <br />c§tabl iahod lm-ck in 1959 during the day @ of cone ideVAbla movm@nt of older <br />too arA a half to three .story h0u.0ee fro= older re#i4!tnti4l area.e in <br />Min:rw&A 11.4 and Saint Paul to oulxurb-itn cD=u ititg. In #ems cage.#, thee@ <br />re9id0-nce# Wro not coop-mitible with the typ.icdl "°ra mblor"" typo of <br />C01Mtru ti0ft Pre #141 fit In §Ubu-r n -- nitio-a in tb �o r1.&yg. <br />2. Att4ch@d are copies of tho front elowition of the~ propotied otru ture, <br />a #ditio ai eon: €ruttl6zrp UtAilg, dnd a ill kale Bite plan eh0wing the <br />location of the propotihou.o.e on the Proiperty. Attached al#o 1e a copy <br />Of a 1n#pectit1r, r,#P.Ort frog Gordy ff#§eth, the Chief Code enforet,a@nt Officer, <br />whO 4AM in§p-ctW the two at, requlrod ixy; the Ordinav e. The ap-plic,#nt has <br />eu ted 1,60t 3raiph-vi of the ht, a which gill 1pe AvAi lable for roviow by the <br />Planning Ce ie�si*n and COUftcil at their public hodring#. <br />3. "The O�:dinante al..§o require# approd'al of SO pery nt of the proporty ewnora <br />within 250 feet of the lot. Tho alsplic,� Et it. #kripx�ittec�l etate rrt# of <br />APT40vdl fVV0 13 Property ovn r.;5 within the innediite sires of -h T4 rtyr. <br />A. kdatioy County'e Comprohongivo "Thoroughfaire Plan callei for an additional <br />ton foot of right-of-way on C16 V0Ar4 A onue. By City policy, th,ie <br />dedication would ho required 44 a condition to appl,oval of ti}ie do�%#ololpment <br />proroba1. <br />S. Tho propoti tl vitino of the home ors tilt, .lot 1:wt,tN all City, require;me3nty <br />excopt that thor°e i,A problem with r osptct to adtKjuete apAce for a drive -way <br />along the touch o do of tine hokine to a ipropot od �;%cce uisory garage to be <br />