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Attachment 3 <br /> STEP 6: HOW WILL YOU EVALUATE RESULTS, MONITOR PROGRESS IN THE FUTURE? <br />11.It is important to evaluate our decisions and monitor our progress toward racial equity <br />goals. Related to this area of impact, how will you evaluate the final decision, monitor <br />impact, and ensure racially disaggregated data is available for future consideration? <br />Consider creating a timeline to analyze impact; managing future expectations of <br />desired outcomes, or community indicators that can determine success or <br />opportunities. <br />Qmboupdifdljobgufsfbdidzdmfpgmjdfotjohupfotvsfuibuuifsfhvmbujpotibwfuifeftjsfefggfdu- <br />obnfmzqspwjejohgpsuiftbgfboetbojubszpqfsbujpopgmpehjohftubcmjtinfoutjoSptfwjmmf/ <br />Dpoevdubsbdjbmfrvjuzjnqbdutvnnbszbusfhvmbsjoufswbmtboeqspwjefbsfqpsujohnfdibojtnup <br />sfqpsugjoejoht/ <br />Qbhf!98!pg!342 <br /> <br />