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Year Underpayment Ratio <br />2021 84.30% <br />2017 115.75% <br />2014 309.52% <br />37 <br />38 3. The Salary Range Test compares the average number of years it takes for individuals to move <br />39 through salary ranges established for female classes compared to male classes. This test must <br />40 be 80% or more to pass this test. Jurisdictions not passing this test can pass it by reducing the <br />41 number of years it takes for female classes to reach maximum salaries, increasing the number of <br />42 years for males to reach maximum salaries or some combination of both. The City received a <br />43 passing 87.53% value. <br />44 <br />45 4. The Exceptional Service Pay Tes t compares how often individuals in male classes receive <br />46 longevity or performance pay above the normal salary range compared to how often individuals <br />47 in female classes receive this type of pay. This test must be either 0% or 80% or more to pass <br />48 this test. Jurisdictions not passing this test can pass it either by increasing the number of female <br />49 classes that receive exceptional service pay, decreasing the number of male classes that receive <br />50 exceptional service pay or some combination of both. The City did not pass this test with a <br />51 54.05% value. It should be noted that this test takes into account longevity pay as well as any <br />52 merit pay that is received for classes that results in a monthly salary above the job class <br />53 maximum value. <br />54 <br />55 The state makes the final determination on compliance after this report is submitted. <br />56 <br />57 <br />58 Policy Objectives <br />59 To maintain compliance with the Local Government Pay Equity Act. <br />60 <br />61 Racial Equity Impact Summary <br />62 The City currently does not disaggregate wages/salary for employees. However, doing so <br />63 may provide additional insights that could be useful in reviewing what impact wages have <br />64 for different employee populations. <br />65 <br />66 Budget Implications <br />67 There are no budget implications unless the City is found to be out of compliance which <br />68 does not appear to be the case. If the City is found out of compliance fines may be <br />69 assessed daily until the City achieves compliance. <br />70 <br />71 Staff Recommendations <br />72 Staff recommends the City Council approve the submission of the City's 2023 Pay Equity <br />73 Report and authorize the Mayor to sign the Implementation Report. <br />74 <br />75 Requested Council Action <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Qbhf!257!pg!367 <br /> <br />