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Subpart A -CODE OF ORDINANCES <br />Chapter 20 - HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT <br />ARTICLE XII. - GREEN TO GO PACKAGING <br />DIVISION 2. ON-SITE COLLECTION FOR RECYCLABLES AND COMPOSTABLE PACKAGING <br /> <br /> <br />Recyclable packaging: food or beverage packaging that is separable from solid waste prior to collection for <br />the purpose of recycling. Recyclable packaging must be accepted by the local material recovery facilities <br />(MRF) receiving and processing the materials and have existing robust recycling markets as determined by <br />Ramsey County. This includes glass bottles, aluminum cans and plastic food and beverage packaging. Plastic <br />food and beverage packaging that is acceptable as determined by Ramsey County. <br />Mobile food unit shall mean "mobile food unit" as defined in Roseville City Code. <br />Non-packaging food service items shall mean items that are not packaging, but are used to consume food, <br />including straws and utensils. <br />Reusable packaging shall mean food or beverage packaging that is capable of being refilled at a retail <br />location or returned to the distributor for reuse at least once as a container for the same food or beverage. <br />Single-use shall mean an item designed and intended for a single use. <br />DIVISION 2. ON-SITE COLLECTION FOR RECYCLABLES AND COMPOSTABLE <br />PACKAGING <br />Sec. 4XX.03. Rules. <br />(a) No person owning, operating or conducting a food establishment or any person or organization providing <br />free food or beverage products within the City of Roseville in a manner which would require a permit or <br />license, shall do or allow to be done any of the following within the city: <br />(1) Provide or possess for sale any packaging which is not green to go. Presence of food and beverage <br />packaging other than Green to Go will be presumed as non-compliance with this article. <br />(2) This subparagraph shall not apply to manufacturers, brokers or warehouse operators, who conduct or <br />transact no retail food or beverage business. <br />(b) To reduce contamination in recycling and organics, mobile use-food establishments and all other food <br />establishments shall implement the following: <br />(1) Single-use cups and containers that are utilized with lids shall have lids of the same category of <br />packaging. <br />(2) Recyclable packaging shall only have recyclable lids. <br />(3) Compostable packaging shall only have compostable lids. <br />(c) Compostable cups shall be labeled to clearly indicate to the consumer that the cup is compostable. Labeling <br />must include at least one of the following: <br />(1) The words "certified compostable," "commercially compostable" or other language which meet ASTM <br />standards. "Made from plants," "bio-based," or "biodegradable" are not acceptable alternatives on <br />their own. <br />(2) The logo of a third-party certification or testing body indicating the cup meets commercially <br />compostable standards, as approved by the City of Roseville. <br />Roseville, Minnesota, Code of Ordinances Created: 2022-07-29 14:55:00 \[EST\] <br />(Supp. No. 12, Update 4) <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />Qbhf!63!pg!219 <br /> <br />