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<br /> <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION <br />Date: 1/22/2024 <br />Item No.: 7.d. <br />Department Approval City Manager Approval <br /> <br /> <br />Item Description: Receive Stormwater Update <br />1 <br />2 Background <br />3 Roseville’s 126 miles of storm sewer infrastructure (catch basins, manholes, pipes) were <br />4 installed primarily in the 1960s and 1970s when the city was under rapid <br />5 development. During this period, the design standards for drainage were lower than they <br />6 are today. Our current rain events are producing larger volumes of water and these events <br />7 put a lot of pressure on our undersized infrastructure. These larger events, combined with <br />8 our existing infrastructure, are part of the reason for our drainage issues. <br />9 <br />10 Staff have over 200 documented drainage issues across the city that range from nuisance <br />11 water in backyards to major flooding of critical corridors. To alleviate some of the issues, <br />12 staff installs stormwater Best Management Practices (BMPs) to reduce high water flood <br />13 elevations, reduce peak rates and improve water quality to protect our water resources. To <br />14 date, there are over 700 BMPs (ponds, raingardens, underground pipe galleries, etc.) <br />15 installed across the city on both public and private property to help remedy the overall <br />16 drainage issues in the city. Staff also make improvements to infrastructure as needed to <br />17 maintain and/or improve drainage during our planned Pavement Management Projects <br />18(PMP), or as a standalone project. Depending on the project location, staff try to <br />19 coordinate the stormwater improvement with the PMP as it helps maximize our available <br />20 stormwater funds as we can pay for hard surface replacement through the streets fund. <br />21 <br />22 Inspection and maintenance of storm sewer infrastructure is ongoing, and a large number <br />23 of repairs are made during our PMP. Inspections include visual inspection of catch basins <br />24 and manholes and televising pipes and underground connections. Maintenance of <br />25 infrastructure includes repairing catch basin/manhole rings and pipe connections, lining <br />26 pipes with deterioration or minor offsets, and minor replacements. <br />27 <br />28 Citywide stormwater improvements are prioritized based on our current construction <br />29 schedule, whether the issue is local or regional, if there are interested partners and/or <br />30 outside funding available, the severity of the drainage issue, and how many private <br />31 properties are affected, if any. <br />32 <br />33 Localized drainage issues are smaller scale and viewed in a way where the City can make <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />Qbhf!66!pg!219 <br /> <br />