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Please describe any <br />I feel my professional experience as a licensed architect gives <br />activities, specific skills <br />me a great platform to base my decision making on. I have <br />or experiences you have <br />worked with developers and other municipalities on projects <br />that are beneficial on the <br />very similar to projects envisioned for Roseville. I understand <br />advisory commission. <br />zoning and building code and what can and cannot be used <br />when making decisions to pass or stop projects presented for <br />review to the Planning Commission. I take my public voice in <br />community decision making seriously, and I have really <br />appreciated the ability to share my opinions on matters that <br />affect my neighbors. <br />As a commissioner, how <br />I have taken my appointment to the Planning Commission <br />do you contribute to the <br />seriously and I am grateful for the opportunity to use my <br />city's equity and inclusion <br />professional knowledge in away the serves my community. <br />initiatives? <br />Because the Planning Commission is based on a pre- <br />established set of rules and regulations, I have relied on what <br />the city has established regarding their regulatory documents <br />to influence those decisions. In this past appointment we <br />reviewed updates to the city's zoning code. I believe we made <br />decisions regarding residential density, diversity in building <br />types, and enhanced existing building requirements that will <br />allow a more holistically inclusive Roseville. As an example, <br />our updates to density will allow for different building types that <br />will open more opportunities for Roseville to welcome a <br />population that might not be able to afford new construction <br />single family homes. <br />Please indicate any <br />Field not completed. <br />reasonable <br />accommodation needed <br />during commissioner <br />interviews and <br />onboarding. <br />Preferred method to be <br />Email <br />contacted <br />Please provide alternative <br />Field not completed. <br />phone number or email if <br />different from above <br />How do you identify your <br /> <br />gender? <br />Qbhf!:6!pg!413 <br /> <br />