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want to serve on the <br />commission(s) you listed. <br />Please describe any <br />Business start - which has included the need for variance <br />activities, specific skills <br />requests with other cities. <br />or experiences you have <br />that you feel would be <br />beneficial to serving on <br />the advisory <br />commission(s) for which <br />you are applying. <br />As a commissioner on <br />A more inclusive comprehensive plan and resident <br />your preferred <br />engagement. <br />commission(s), how <br />could you contribute to <br />the City's equity and <br />inclusion initiatives? <br />Please indicate any <br />N/A <br />reasonable <br />accommodation needed <br />during commissioner <br />interviews and <br />onboarding. <br />Preferred method to be <br />Email <br />contacted <br />Please provide alternative <br />Field not completed. <br />phone number or email if <br />different from above <br />How do you identify your <br />gender? <br />Do you rent or own? <br /> <br />Do you have a sensory, <br /> <br />physical, or mental <br />disability? <br />How did you hear about <br />Staff member <br />this board or <br />commission? <br />Qbhf!:9!pg!413 <br /> <br />