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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/21/2024 11:09:25 AM
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3/21/2024 11:09:24 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 4, 2024 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Mr. Trudgeon did not see why this could not be included in the requirements but <br /> was not sure what State Law says. He was not sure if persons under the age of 18 <br /> can rent a room in the first place under State Law. <br /> City Attorney Tierney explained she made a note to check on this. <br /> Councilmember Strahan thought if the City is concerned about underage drinking, <br /> she knew prom and other events can be a big night for high school individuals and <br /> if the person cannot rent a room by themselves, it might deter things a little bit, <br /> even though some parents do rent rooms for their kids. She also wondered if there <br /> is anything that can be done to make sure the establishment is current on its utilities <br /> in order to have a license. <br /> Mr.Trudgeon indicated that is a requirement.When the establishment is not current <br /> on utilities the City does not have to issue a license in the first place or can suspend, <br /> fine, or revoke the license. Staff made sure the wording was in the ordinance <br /> regarding this because that is seen on a regular basis. <br /> Councilmember Strahan asked if there was the possibility that another type of <br /> building could fall into the lodging establishment category, like apartments that <br /> may be rented on a short basis,maybe some of the short-term rentals, a condo,bed <br /> and breakfast, rooming house, or resort, and what kind of provisions have been <br /> made for those possibilities. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon explained there is the definition of Hotel/Motel and Lodging <br /> Establishments in City Statutes. He asked City Attorney Tierney if there is any <br /> difference between what is being discussed and what could potentially be covered <br /> by this as well. <br /> Councilmember Strahan stated the biggest difference she saw was that in the State <br /> information it was five or more rooms. She did not see that added to the City <br /> Ordinance that the definition was five or more rooms under the Minnesota Statute. <br /> City Attorney Tierney indicated she will check on that but remembers the lodging <br /> establishment definition in the Hotel/Motel was referred directly to State Law. She <br /> will make sure that is accurate and it might be smart to make it clear. <br /> Mayor Roe did not think it was the City's intent to license people who are doing <br /> short-term rentals in homes or condos or that sort of thing.Unless he is wrong about <br /> that, so if the language in the ordinance could be more clearly defined that would <br /> be helpful. <br /> Councilmember Schroeder explained the City is going to need extra resources to <br /> do this, including an additional staff person to oversee this, and do the inspections. <br /> She thought it would fall under the Fire Department's realm. <br />
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