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<br />The ~anning Commission reported that they have taken up the rezoning of the <br />Th~odore Schultz proþerty on Fairview South of County Road C from Farm to Indu~trial <br />The commission recommended that the following described property be rezoned Industrial. <br />The NEi of the NWì of S~ction 9, Township 29, Range 23, R~sey County, Minnesota. <br />Except the North ~OO feet thereof accoròing to the Government surv~y thereof, <br />Subject to Right-of-w~ of Northern Stat es Power Company ov~r the South 50 fer:-t. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded that the Council concur r,.¡ith the recommendatlons <br />of the Pl~nning Commission. Roll C~ll Ayes (4)-Nayes (I)-McGee oppo~ed. <br />