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City Council Meeting Minutes
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4/9/2024 1:53:58 PM
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, March 11,2024 <br /> Page 14 <br /> conclusions that people liked. He did not know that the Council could draw the <br /> conclusion, necessarily, that because the City continued its existing policy of not <br /> having Commission members from outside the city, that is the reason Commission <br /> members from within the City are not participating as youth commissioners. <br /> Mayor Roe stated he thought the Council was trying to have a conversation and <br /> figure out how to move forward. He thought constructive things were said but the <br /> Council may not have the answer at this meeting and need to continue to move <br /> forward to what an answer might be. He did not know if it is one answer, as it may <br /> be a number of different things. That is the perspective he is coming from. He <br /> wanted to make sure the Council hears from the public as well because that is part <br /> of this discussion. <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated he was not married to the term Human Rights.That <br /> does not have to be in the title, but he wanted to make sure that diversity and <br /> inclusion were included. He thought it might help the City to clarify something <br /> from the past and is no longer there. He also thought that if this does not remain a <br /> Commission, there is a greater chance of losing it over time because volunteers <br /> drop off and things change, so it could eventually go away. He would be very <br /> concerned if this was not a Commission. He did think discussions off camera were <br /> important but discussions on camera were very important as well, especially for <br /> people who have been ignored or excluded in the past. <br /> Councilmember Etten appreciated all of the comments. He agreed with the <br /> ambassador idea but was not sure it fit the role of a Commission with providing <br /> feedback. He has already had conversations with staff and staff is trying to figure <br /> out how to fit this into something the City does through the Volunteer Manager or <br /> some other avenue because there can be a positive role for that. <br /> Councilmember Etten stated in thinking about the human rights piece, he <br /> appreciated all perspectives provided. He noted that none of what is in the feedback <br /> and proposed direction, framing information is his, but rather taken from <br /> conversations that he has had with more diverse folk than he is. He noted this is <br /> not from him, and his goal is that the City find a way to critically look at how the <br /> City is doing with DEI,how the City is doing with the SREAP,how the City moves <br /> forward with an update to the SREAP. That should not come first from the Council. <br /> He noted that certainly other cities do things differently. He looked at the eight <br /> suburbs that touched Roseville, from Maplewood and looping all the way around <br /> to Lauderdale, and only one has a Human Rights Commission besides Roseville. A <br /> lot of other cities do not even have a look at this, so he wants to make sure that <br /> people understand the City is not abandoning it but rather trying to delve into stuff <br /> that is important right now and important to people in the community. <br /> Recess <br />
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