Laserfiche WebLink
Key Themes <br />77% of users were residents of Roseville <br />Residents care a lot about the community, their <br />neighbors, and the environment <br />• 100% of users surveyed feel connected to the <br />city of Roseville and invested in its future <br />• 100% of users feel it is important to take <br />immediate actions to protect the environment <br />• 100% of users feel valued in the community <br />• Residents of Roseville love their parks and trails- <br />58% of respondents would like to see more parks <br />and green space in Roseville <br />o Planning Insight: <br />• 12%of residents expressed frustration at the <br />number of strip malls and standalone <br />businesses. <br />• Mobility Insight: <br />o 25% of residents expressed interest in ma king <br />Roseville more accessible via bike paths, walking <br />trails, and more options for public transit. <br />• Health & Human Services <br />0 100% of residents would like easier access to <br />behavioral health support services <br />