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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
4/24/2024 9:44:11 AM
Creation date
4/24/2024 9:39:56 AM
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Public Works Commission
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61 Ms. Bakken thought the panels were producing as much as the City was expecting. <br />62 She continued with the presentation updating the Commission on the Partners in <br />63 Energy program. <br />64 Member Fergus indicated it was mentioned a few times in the presentation about <br />65 the curbside organics and he was excited this is coming. He asked if there was any <br />66 word on how this program is going where it has been implemented. <br />67 Ms. Bakken explained it is fully rolled out in North St. Paul and Maplewood and <br />68 she believed one more city in Washington County and it sounds like it is going well, <br />69 and City staff is excited for it. AM <br />70 Vice Chair Mueller explained she is very passionate and excited about this whole <br />71 initiative and appreciated that staff is being really conscientious about business <br />72 owners and what it would take for them to fulfill these obligations. She thought it <br />73 is great to get Styrofoam out of circulation but thinking to some of the restaurants <br />74 and if they are going to be having readily compostable materials, is the City going <br />75 to also add in some sort of requirement for the business to be offering recycling or <br />76 compost onsite because all of this is abig push if there is not a collection mechanism <br />77 in place and she did not want to push something and have that burden if there is not <br />78 a long-term solution for what is going to happen to the materials after that initial <br />79 action. <br />80 Ms. Bakken explained that is one thing the City has in the draft ordinance, there <br />81 will be a requirement that if the business has any kind of dine in service there will <br />82 have to be trash, recycling and compost available and most commercial hauling <br />83 services do offer a composting option. <br />84 Member Rudolph wondered how the City does compared to Eureka on recycling. <br />85 Mr. Johnson discussed with the Commission the actions Roseville has taken with <br />86 recycling and noted that Roseville has one of the best recycling programs in the <br />87 State. <br />88 Chair Ficek indicated he really liked the idea of the City Energy Resource Fair. He <br />89 also saw a reference to Complete Streets that he was in favor of, but he also heard <br />90 somewhat of a move to a complete network. <br />91 Ms. Bakken thought that is very connected to the bike plan/active transportation <br />92 plan staff has been working on. <br />93 Member Luongo knew that the PWETC is the Green Team and that made sense, <br />94 but she wondered if there is another commission that should be included in this. <br />95 One commission that came to her mind is the Planning Commission because of the <br />96 land use role. <br />97 Ms. Bakken explained staff has been working with Community Development a lot <br />98 on this. One thing that was proposed last year and did not go through Council was <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Page 5 of 140 <br />
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