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Findings and Recommendations <br />The next steps in the Envision Roseville process are for the city to take action toward implementing these <br />community aspirations. The aspirations are intended to be a set of guiding principles that can be used as <br />a foundation for the programs and services within each city department.The following are key findings <br />and recommended action items for the city to consider as next steps. <br />General alignment with previous aspirations <br />The city's previous community aspirations were developed over 15 years ago. The current project was <br />needed to update and calibrate the previous aspirations to ensure alignment with the vision and values <br />of the people in Roseville today.The new aspirations presented in this document area refreshed take on <br />the communityvision and sentiments for today's Roseville.The new aspirations generally validate the <br />previous aspirations and do not signal a substantial change in direction for the city. <br />Guide decision -making <br />Once approved, the community aspirationscan becomean immediate guide for future decision -making <br />within the city.The aspirations should be considered in all future city decisions, plans, and policies. <br />Strategic plan <br />The nextstep for the community aspiration is to identify specific action items thatwill help to implement <br />thevision of the community.This can be done with a strategic plan that identifies short-, mid-, and long- <br />term action steps related to each of the key themes identified by the community. <br />Partner agencies <br />The city should collaborate with partner agencies, such as the Roseville Area School District, Ramsey <br />County, and MnDOTto address issues related to the community aspirations which are multijurisdictional. <br />Address specific issues <br />The community input collected as part of Envision Roseville was tabulated, grouped, and coded to <br />identify common themes. However, people provided many specific comments such as location -specific <br />improvement suggestions and specific areas of concern.The city should review all the input received <br />and evaluate opportunities to acton the specific comments not covered in the community aspirations. <br />Close the feedback loop <br />The city should share how the community aspirations were used. Let people know that their input was <br />heard and is making a difference. <br />ENVISIONOROSEVILLEISummaryReport 18 <br />Page 69 of 140 <br />