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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,April 8,2024 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Council saw an example of that in their last item. He suggested a group that would <br /> not be limited to the SREAP but thinking equity and inclusion more broadly in the <br /> functions in the City. He also thought with the hiring of Mr. Montez, the City has <br /> the opportunity for some members of the HRIEC to be a part of the hiring process <br /> and to think about other ways, as the MAC does with police officers. He asked if <br /> there are ways for this group to have a role in that process. The one thing he would <br /> push back on, in the review of what came out of the Commission, is the sense that <br /> a Commission is what worked best. He thought there were a lot of ideas, up to <br /> three different groups. He noted one Commissioner had talked strongly about that <br /> as a thing to have a Commission. But,he also thought there was a lot of discussion <br /> about two or three groups. For him, it was the purpose that the City needs to come <br /> back around, nail that first, and then discussion can be around the process for how <br /> the City would get to that purpose. <br /> Councilmember Groff indicated he did want to hear what Mr. Montez has to say as <br /> well because Mr. Montez has a breadth of experience that the City needs to <br /> capitalize on in making this decision. As far the discussions about the committee to <br /> be more like MAC or a Commission, one of the reasons he was hearing is because <br /> the Commissioners were thinking that an organization like MAC would not follow <br /> the same structure as a City Commission. He thought it was important that this <br /> Commission does follow the same structure as a City Commission because it needs <br /> to be transparent. He indicated he does not like the idea, even though the <br /> Commission said it might make people more comfortable having conversations, of <br /> this being off the transparent structure for the public. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated the Commission definitely had a lot of back and forth in their <br /> discussion about the structure of the Commission and a lot of ideas were out there. <br /> But, he thought most of the Commissioners agreed with the idea of a structured <br /> Commission. He noted this was an evolutionary discussion and he appreciated that <br /> is the way it worked. He thought it made sense to have a draft purpose statement if <br /> the sub-committee is willing to look at that as something to respond to in the <br /> discussion on May 13. He noted it helps to have that guided discussion about <br /> drilling down on some of the other points about the roles, how the group would <br /> interact with SREAP,and the equity statements in the RCAs. He can envision ways <br /> in which that could work well and ways it can't so he thought that is an appropriate <br /> conversation to have at that meeting. <br /> Mayor Roe thought it was interesting that the discussion talked about whether the <br /> Commission wanted to make sure that it matched what the Council was looking <br /> for. He noted there was some pushback on that which was appropriate because he <br /> did not think the Council intended for the Commission to read their minds. He <br /> appreciated that the Commission thought more from the point of view of what made <br /> the most sense. The other piece he thought was interesting was that former Equity <br /> and Inclusion Manger,Thomas Brooks had the Commission look and do a sounding <br /> board sort of activity related to the original SREAP. This was done when SREAP <br />
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