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<br />VILIJ..GE OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular meetin~ of the Village Council, Tuesd~, August 14, 1956 8 P.M. <br /> <br />The Village Cou."1cil met on the above date with the following members present. <br />Salverd~, Carlson, Kitts1, Hammersten and McGee. Attorney Robert Gee.rin, and <br />Engineers Ed Bather and ühas. Soutter were also present. <br /> <br />McGee Moved, Salverda Seconded that on the ,~PC'0rrl n"'.ge, paragraph tiìo of the <br />minutes of August 7, 1956 , it bc(!6",,~t..+cJfo,l&.k:t a special meeting date will be <br />set to discuss the police proposal at tiw August Ih, 19.56 meeting. <br />Roll C~ll Ayes(3)-Naye3 (2)- Carlson and Hammersten oppos9d. <br /> <br />Salverda JYloved, Carlson Seconded the minutes of the August 7, 1956 Council. <br />meeting be accepted as corrected. Roll Call Ayes (4)-Nayes (~)~cGee opposed. <br /> <br />Minutes <br /> <br />Vincent Courtney appeared in behalf of O. J. IIusby J Ii ~ ~ L .... I m <br />-~ ~l' 1 for the public he2I'ing in relation to the petition for <br />the improvement of Co. Rd. B-2 from North P<:-scal Street to North Hamline Ave. <br />No one appeared eitllÐr for or against the opening 31'd improving. <br />There Fas a question as to what benefits there ¡.ronld be to the pemple abi.ltting <br />the property as there would be assessments. <br />Hammers:'en Moved, Carlson Seconded the matter be tabled until the September 5, <br />19.56 meeting. ~oll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />O.J. Husby <br /> <br /> <br />John Daubney appeared in behalf of HcGou¿h Bros. in relation to the proposed Rezoning <br />rezoning of a tract of land from Farra Residential to Industrial. Mr. Hasbrouck, <br />representing Carl GarQner, the Village Planner, stated that a preliminÐr.1 plan <br />for the Village will be submitted to the Planning Commission on August 22, 1956 <br />to be presented to the Council. He aJ.80 spoke on the arr?~gement of the proposed <br />buffer zone which has been in question. Mr. Has""l'ouck's recommendatic1. was to <br />table the mat.ter until the prel:i.min2.ry plan h2.8 b8en submitted t.o prevent aIrY <br />blighted areas. Mr. McGee felt that the Council does not have proper control <br />to take the step of rezoning at tb.:cs time. <br />Richard Wo'Id'of 2905 Arthur Placw, stated that when tracts of land are rezoned <br />to industrial they should be classified such as "lj-sht industry" ornheavy indus- <br />ir'JIt. McGee Moved, Kitts seconded the zoning request be refused at thj s time. <br />A:res (3)-Na;yes (2)..carlson and Hammersten opposed. <br />Hammersten Moved, Carlson Seconded the South one-half of the property be <br />rezoned Industrial on the bé'.sis of the frontage on Fairview. Roll Call <br />Ayes (4)-Nayes (1)- McGee opposed. The following is the description of <br />the a.bove property in question. <br />The N. 620 feet except the W. 935 feet thereof; and üeept the part taken <br />for FairTiew exceptimg easement for read on the N 33 feet in the SEt ef <br />the swi. The S 150 feet of the NEi of the SW subject to Fairview. The <br />W 450 feet except the S 1200 feet of the SE~ of SW~. <br />All of whibh is in Section 4, Township 29, Range 23. <br />The Plat of Hamline Heights was brought to the CO"J.Ilcill s attention. The plat Hamline Height~ <br />received tentative approval in 1955. Plat <br />Kitts Hoved, Salverda Seconded the matter be tabled for the attorney to check <br />into what is rneant by tentative and report at the next regttlar meeting. <br />Roll CR-lI Ayes (S)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The Pl~ing Commission reported that since it is not in their j~isdiction Zibell Additio~ <br />to make a decision as to whether the proposed plat for Zibell Addition would <br />come under the new or old platting reg,.ù.ations the: are rejurning the pla.t <br />to the Cou~cil with no suggestions. <br />McGee Moved, the mntter be . abled until it Cé'n be checlÅ’d with the comp- <br />rehensive plan. The motion 1.¡as lost for lack of é:. second. <br />Carlson MOved, Hammersten Seconded the plat be accepted as presented under <br />