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City Council Meeting Minutes
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7/17/2007 8:46:40 AM
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2/1/2005 7:12:46 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILIÆ <br /> <br />Regular meeting of the Village Council Tuesday, August 21, 1956 2 P .H. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members present. <br />Salverda Carlson, Kitts Hanmersten, and McGee. Attorney Oliver, and Engineers <br />Ed. Bather ;\Xld Chas. Sout.ter T¡lere also :t:resent. <br /> <br />The minutes of the August lit., Council meeting were discussed. Mr. McGee asked <br />that the word "inserted" in the second paragraph be corrected to read, "corrected <br />to read". Mayor Kitts asked that paragraph 10 of page 3, the sentence which reads, <br />liThe Police Chief reported that one police car is on duty 24 hours a day and told <br />9f the hours that the second car is on duty and how many men" be changed to ~The <br />Police Chief reported that one car is on duty 24 hours a day and the second car is <br />on duty from 6:00 p.m. until 2:00 a.m." as the chief did state at the August lit., <br />Council meeting. <br />Sal verda Moved, McGee Seconded the minutes of the August 14, meeting be accepted <br />as corrected. Roll CaD. Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Hannnersten Moved, McGee Seconded the bids øn Sewer Project #3 be opened. Seìier Bids <br />Roll Call Â.yes (5)..N~es (0). The bids were as follows: <br />C' ",' "'. Base Bid Alternate #1 Alternate#2 Completion Date. <br />.sheehy c..onstruction \.jo. $37,300.00 no bid $4,000.00 Oct. 27, 1956 <br />Peter Lametti Const.Co. ,49,500.00 no bid ' 5,000.00 Dec. 15, 1956 <br />Phelps-Drake Company 35,812.00 $100.00 3,200.00 Feb. 1, 1957 <br />Actcn Construction Co. 32,537.00 4,246.00 Oct. 21, 1956 <br />Barbaroza & Nodland 31,150.00 3,750.00 Dec. 15, 1956 <br />Hammersten~Moved~ Carlson Seconded the bids be referred to the Engineer for tab- <br />ulation. !toll Càll Ayes (5)-N¡¡yes (0). <br /> <br />Mr. Rue and Mr. O'Donnovich, representatives of the Little League Baseball LittJ.e League <br />Team appeared due to the Councils request at the August 14, meeting. Some <br />of the Council members reported that they have had complaints from a few of <br />the residents near the ball field. Mr. Rue reported that during the d¡¡y there <br />is no supervision and nothing could be done about keeping children out of the <br />LittleLeague's field. Mr. O'Donnovich stated that there have been many requests <br />by spectators to have the loud speaker turned up, but thought that the si tüation <br />might be remedied by obtaining 80 smaller speakers and facing them into the <br />field, in place of the one large speaker which they are now using. Other com- <br />plaints were discussed. The Council was informed that the Little League season <br />is now over and that the complaintà will be taken into consideration between <br />now and when the season reopens. <br /> <br />A representative of the LeRoy Sign Co. was present upon the Council's request LeRoy Signs <br />. of the August lit., meeting to discuss the reason for a sign being erected in <br />the Village before the License was approved by the Council. <br />Kitts Moved, McGee Seconded all Inspectors be instructed not to grant pennits <br />to aDy'one until the council ha.s favorab~ acted upon the license. Roll Call <br />Ayes (l)-Nayes (4)-Salverda, Carlson, Kitts, and Hapmersten opposed. <br />Mayor Kitts instructed all inspectors that in the future no permits sha.ll be <br />granted or jobs started until favorable action by the council on a license <br />is taken. <br /> <br />The C1I!rk read that the air raid sirens for the Village will be installed <br />at the following places: '., <br />North Heights School (N.W. Corner of Rice and C~ Rd. "C") <br />McCarron's Lake School (McC;¡rrons B1 vd1, one block W. of' . Rice ) <br />Lexington Sc:tiool (On Co. Rd. tlB" (i alock W. of W. of Lerlngton) <br /> <br />Air Raid Sirens <br />
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