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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />. I.~. <br />InfGrmal meeting of the Village Council Thursday August 30, 1956 8 p.m. _ ~...- 'fo...,5 <br />for the purpGse ø:! a hearing to discuss the Ma;yor I s Police Program Proposal. <br /> <br />The following members were present: Salverda, Carlson, Kitts, Hammersten and McGee. <br /> <br />The ~of inform~d th~ peepJ,.ê that on March 130t 1956 a motion was made and <br />carriea J.IlStru.ct:LI1g hlJll. to prepare a study of vhe cost of a full time police <br />force and report back. The Mayor also stated that the proposal was made up <br />of his own personal opinions and that he had attempted to analyze other police <br />eperatiens. He alse reported that he has found that section 6-of his proposal, <br />in relation to veterans preference would be illegal. <br /> <br />H. Chalupsld of a Legion Post stated that the Post's only objection to the <br />proposal was 8ecti,øn 6 in relation tA veterans preference and now that this <br />J.S cleared up the ~gion wishes to withdraw theJ.r ovjection as they no lenger <br />have an interest in the matter. <br /> <br />Jqseph Sisco stated that if the MaYor had consulted the CQunÿil before presenting <br />hJ.s proposal perhaps the large gathering here tonight wouldn t have beeh lecessary. <br /> <br />Erwin Peterson, retained ~ the policemen rep9rted that he has made a detailed <br />stu.d;y" of the proposal and J. t has struck him "that the basic reason for the proposed <br />change is to organize an efficient, well trained full time police department. <br />Mr. Peterson then asked the Mayor, It.. Is the depär!ment inefficient, un'trained, and. <br />not en duty 24 hours a day?1t Mayor Kitts said that nothing in his proposal sa;rs <br />that the police departmentts inefficient. The Mayor also said that at a meeting <br />last Tuesday, the council members decided that this meeting was to be scheduled <br />for a hearing for people to voice their opinions on the proposal and not a trial. <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson reported that eight out of the twelve members of the police depart- <br />ment are veterans and cannot be gotten rid of. He told of a procedure established <br />for the operation of a civil service police commission set up in section 212, chap- <br />ter 419 of the MSA for the of Villages to follow. .Mr. Peterson recomroended <br />that the Council follow this procedure, which is set up to bring police departments <br />out of politi.cs and prevent the police department from becoming a Itpolitical football". <br /> <br />Mr. Peterson referred to the articles appearing in the Rose Tribune on August 2, and <br />the St. Paul Dispatch on August 5, in relation to the proposal saying that a number <br />of people became distrubed as the implication was that there is not sufficient police <br />protection at present in the Village. The Mayor then referred to the Chief of Police <br />report of a prior meeting, when the Chief reported that one squad car is on duty 24 <br />hours a da;y and the second car from 6 p.m. until 2 a.m. and that sometimes the hours <br />are ertended beyond when necessary. <br /> <br />Warren Brennan was of the opinion that a committee of citizens instead of one man <br />should have composed the proposal. The Mayor again referred to the Minutes of March <br />13, 1956 when the Council instructed the l'1ayor to make the study and report. <br /> <br />George Hamilton of 1171 Ruggles gave thanks to l"Ir. Peterson for his talk and cOmIl1ended <br />the police department for obtaining a professional in their defense. He also stated that <br />if there is question on the qualification of the present police officers, maybe the qual- <br />ifications of the council members shouJ.d alse be looked into. <br /> <br />P~kC¿I.l'ir,tsk,' - . . uld b d d <br />Mr. PM'æninsld. of Mildred Dri:fe was of the op1.llJ.on that the department she e cornmen e <br />for their work in relation to an assault of a Village girl which recently took place. <br /> <br />Mr. Lorenz of 1206 Burke reported that he moved into the Village in 1948, when the pop- <br />ulation was approximately 4Ø9O and today the pepulati.on is estimated at app" oximately <br />25 000 which is nearly the size of the city of Winona. Mr. Lorenz asked Erwin Peterson <br />wh~ther he felt a :lawyer could do a good job working 40 hours a week for one firm and <br />
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