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Roseville Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission <br />Agenda Item <br />DATE: June 25. 2024 ITEM: 5.a. <br />ITEM DESCRIPTION: Civic Campus Project Update <br />Background <br />The City of Roseville developed a Civic Campus Master Plan to provide an overall strategy for the City's <br />civic campus. This allows the City to have an overall vision as it looks to replace existing buildings and build <br />new facilities on the Campus. The plan includes these primary goals: <br />• Address space needs with recommendations for facility sizing, renovations, and growth. <br />• Support functionality with recommendations for key adjacencies. <br />• Provide clear and convenient access for citizens with revised planning of key service areas and <br />parking. <br />• Enhance the overall quality of space, indoors and out, with an overall vision for a unified civic <br />campus. <br />The Civic Campus Master Plan Study was approved by the City Council on Monday, April 12, 2021. The <br />next step in the process was the Civic Campus Pre -Design Study, which was completed in 2022. The City <br />Council adopted the Civic Campus Pre -Design Study on October 10, 2022. <br />In the 2023 Legislative Session, Roseville was given the authority to have a referendum to enact a local <br />option sales tax to pay for the Civic Campus improvement. The referendum will be on the ballot this <br />November. <br />City Manager Patrick Trudgeon will present an update to the Commission on the project and the local option <br />sales tax. <br />Additional information on the work done to date is on the website. <br />https://www.cityofrosev it m/3472/Civic-Camp us -Master -Plan <br />Recommendation <br />Receive update and provide feedback to staff. <br />Attachments <br />None <br />Page 14 of 46 <br />