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6/25/2024 2:29:20 PM
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6/25/2024 2:14:37 PM
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PAG E 2 <br />SUSTAINABILITY NEWSLETTER <br />Green to Go Ordinance Proposal <br />The City of Roseville is considering an ordinance requiring food <br />establishments to provide either recyclable or compostable sin- <br />gle -use containers for to -go food packaging. Packaging in- <br />cludes containers used to transport foods or beverages for <br />immediate consumption such as serving trays, plates, con- <br />tainers, boxes, and cans. It does not include bags. <br />Who is Affected? <br />a„ a <br />ro <br />Businesses that provide take-out food packaging/containers or <br />utensils. This includes restaurants, but also organizations provid- CkyofRoseville com/Green2Go <br />ing to -go food or beverages (free or paid) at events that require a <br />permit or license, including restaurants, gas stations, food trucks, grocery stores, and convenience <br />stores. <br />Please visit our Green to Go page for more information, and consider completing our Green to Go surveys <br />for either residents or local food business owners. <br />Join us at a community conversation at Cedarholm Community Center on June 24th, 2:00pm-3:00pm! <br />Stop in to ask questions and hear from Biz Recycling, city staff, and packaging suppliers. <br />Roseville Bike Plan + Bike Month + Bike News <br />Roseville recently received an active transportation planning grant from MnDOT to develop a bike plan, and we <br />want your feedback! Our vision is to develop a bicycle network that is safe and comfortable for riders of all <br />ages and abilities to use confidently. Scan the QR code to the left, or go to <br />bike-plan to take the survey and add a pin or two to the interactive map with your ideas! The survey closes on <br />Sunday, June 30th. Stay tuned for more information on upcoming in -person engagement opportunities. <br />Did you know May is officially Bike Month? The weather is beautiful right now, and if you've been curious about <br />trying to commute to work or an errand by bike, it's a great time to give it a try! The YouTube channel Shifter <br />has some great tips about how to get started, and the Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota also has an excellent <br />set of resources on its website and through its events. Your sustainability specialist at Roseville (me) is also a <br />bike commuter —send me an email or give me a call if you want to chat about how I approach commuting! <br />One thing that's revolutionized my ability to commute by bike is my electric bicycle ("e-bike"), and soon Minne- <br />sota will be offering rebates for a -bikes to make them more affordable! Rebate applications will open up <br />on June 5th, and the rebates will be available to use at eligible retailers starting July 1st. Visit the a -bike <br />rebate site for more information and a link to sign up for rebate updates. <br />Page 14 of 115 <br />
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