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Permit issued: November 16, 2020 <br />Permit expires: November 15, 2025 <br />M N RO40000 <br />Page 7 of 28 <br />other local organizations can take to reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater. The permittee may use existing <br />materials if they are appropriate for the message the permittee chooses to deliver, or the permittee may develop its own <br />educational materials. The permittee may partner with other MS4 permittees, community groups, watershed management <br />organizations, or other groups to implement its education and outreach program. The permittee must incorporate Section <br />16 requirements into their program. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />16.3 <br />During the permit term, the permittee must distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach focused on at least two <br />(2) specifically selected stormwater-related issues of high priority to the permittee (e.g., specific TMDL reduction targets, <br />changing local business practices, promoting adoption of residential BMPs, lake improvements through lake associations, <br />household chemicals, yard waste, etc.). The topics must be different from those described in items 16.4 through 16.6. <br />[Minn. R. 7090] <br />16.4 <br />At least once each calendar year, the permittee must distribute educational materials or equivalent outreach focused on <br />illicit discharge recognition and reporting illicit discharges to the permittee. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />16.5 <br />For cities and townships, at least once each calendar year, the permittee must distribute educational materials or <br />equivalent outreach to residents, businesses, commercial facilities, and institutions, focused on the following: <br />a. impacts of deicing salt use on receiving waters; <br />b. methods to reduce deicing salt use; and <br />c. proper storage of salt or other deicing materials. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />16.6 <br />For cities and townships, at least once each calendar year, the permittee must distribute educational materials or <br />equivalent outreach focused on pet waste. The educational materials or equivalent outreach must include information on <br />the following: <br />a. impacts of pet waste on receiving waters; <br />b. proper management of pet waste; and <br />c. any existing permittee regulatory mechanism(s) for pet waste. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />16.7 <br />The permittee must develop and implement an education and outreach plan that consists of the following: <br />a. target audience(s) (e.g., residents, businesses, commercial facilities, institutions, and local organizations; consideration <br />should be given to low-income residents, people of color, and non-native English speaking residents. A resource to help <br />identify these areas is available on the Agency's environmental justice website); <br />b. name or position title of responsible person(s) for overall plan implementation; <br />c. specific activities and schedules to reach each target audience; and <br />d. a description of any coordination with and/or use of stormwater education and outreach programs implemented by <br />other entities, if applicable. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />16.8 <br />The permittee must document the following information: <br />a. a description of all specific stormwater-related issues identified by the permittee in item 16.3; <br />b. all information required under the permittee's education and outreach plan in item 16.7; <br />c. activities held, including dates, to reach each target audience; <br />d. quantities and descriptions of educational materials distributed, including dates distributed; and <br />e. estimated audience (e.g., number of participants, viewers, readers, listeners, etc.) for each completed education and <br />outreach activity. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />16.9 <br />The permittee must conduct an annual assessment of the public education program to evaluate program compliance, the <br />status of achieving the measurable requirements in Section 16, and determine how the program might be improved. <br />Measurable requirements are activities that must be documented or tracked as applicable to the MCM (e.g., education and <br />outreach efforts, implementation of written plans, etc.). The permittee must perform the annual assessment prior to <br />completion of each annual report and document any modifications made to the program as a result of the annual <br />assessment. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />17.1 <br />MCM 2: Public Participation/Involvement. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />17.2 <br />New permittees must develop and implement, and existing permittees must revise their current program, as necessary, and <br />continue to implement, a Public Participation/Involvement program to solicit public input on the SWPPP and involve the <br />public in activities that improve or protect water quality. The permittee must incorporate Section 17 requirements into <br />Page 77 of 115 <br />