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Permit issued: November 16, 2020 <br />Permit expires: November 15, 2025 <br />MNR040000 <br />Page 17 of 28 <br />a. a unique ID number and geographic coordinates of each stormwater pond from which sediment is removed; <br />b. the volume (e.g., cubic yards) of sediment removed from each stormwater pond; <br />c. results from any testing of sediment from each removal activity; and <br />d. location(s) of final disposal of sediment from each stormwater pond. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />21.15 <br />The permittee must conduct an annual assessment of the operations and maintenance program to evaluate program <br />compliance, the status of achieving the measurable requirements in Section 21, and determine how the program might be <br />improved. Measurable requirements are activities that must be documented or tracked as applicable to the MCM (e.g., <br />inventory, trainings, inspections, maintenance activities, etc.). The permittee must perform the annual assessment prior to <br />completion of each annual report and document any modifications made to the program as a result of the annual <br />assessment. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />22.1 <br />Discharges to Impaired Waters with a USEPA-Approved TMDL that Includes an Applicable WLA. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />22.2 <br />If the permittee has an applicable WLA not being met for oxygen demand, nitrate, TSS, or TP, the permittee must provide a <br />summary of the permittee's progress toward achieving those applicable WLAs with the annual report. The summary must <br />include the following information: <br />a. a list of all BMPs applied towards achieving applicable WLAs for oxygen demand, nitrate, TSS, and TP; <br />b. the implementation status of BMPs included in the compliance schedule at the time of final application submittal; and <br />c. an updated estimate of cumulative TSS and TP load reductions. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />22.3 <br />If the permittee has an applicable WLA where a reduction in pollutant loading is required for bacteria, the permittee must <br />maintain a written or mapped inventory of potential areas and sources of bacteria (e.g., dense populations of waterfowl or <br />other bird, dog parks). [Minn. R. 7090] <br />22.4 <br />If the permittee has an applicable WLA where a reduction in pollutant loading is required for bacteria, the permittee must <br />maintain a written plan to prioritize reduction activities to address the areas and sources identified in the inventory in item <br />22.3. The written plan must include BMPs the permittee will implement over the permit term, which may include, but is not <br />limited to: <br />a. water quality monitoring to determine areas of high bacteria loading; <br />b. installation of pet waste pick-up bags in parks and open spaces; <br />c. elimination of over -spray irrigation that may occur at permittee owned areas; <br />d. removal of organic matter via street sweeping; <br />e. implementation of infiltration structural stormwater BMPs; or <br />f. management of areas that attract dense populations of waterfowl (e.g., riparian plantings). [Minn. R. 7090] <br />22.5 <br />If the permittee has an applicable WLA where a reduction in pollutant loading is required for chloride, the permittee must <br />document the amount of deicer applied each winter maintenance season to all permittee owned/operated surfaces. [Minn. <br />R. 7090] <br />22.6 <br />If the permittee has an applicable WLA where a reduction in pollutant loading is required for chloride, each calendar year <br />the permittee must conduct an assessment of the permittee's winter maintenance operations to reduce the amount of <br />deicing salt applied to permittee owned/operated surfaces and determine current and future opportunities to improve <br />BMPs. The permittee may use the Agency's Smart Salting Assessment Tool or other available resources and methods to <br />complete this assessment. The permittee must document the assessment. The assessment may include, but is not limited <br />to: <br />a. operational changes such as pre -wetting, pre -treating the salt stockpile, increasing plowing prior to deicing, monitoring of <br />road surface temperature, etc.; <br />b. implementation of new or modified equipment providing pre -wetting, or other capability for minimizing salt use; <br />c. regular calibration of equipment; <br />d. optimizing mechanical removal to reduce use of deicers; or <br />e. designation of no salt and/or low salt zones. [Minn. R. 7090] <br />22.7 <br />If the permittee has an applicable WLA where a reduction in pollutant loading is required for temperature (i.e., City of <br />Duluth, City of Hermantown, City of Rice Lake, City of Stillwater, MnDOT Outstate, St. Louis County, University of Minnesota <br />- Duluth, and Lake Superior College), the permittee must maintain a written plan that identifies specific activities the <br />Page 87 of 115 <br />